Tips and tricks

Can I have curly hair if both my parents have straight hair?

Can I have curly hair if both my parents have straight hair?

No, it is not possible for two “purebred” straight-haired parents to produce a curly-haired child. However, two wavy-haired parents, or “straight-haired” parents who carry the curly gene but do not express it clearly due to incomplete dominance, can indeed produce curly-haired children.

How common is 1A?

1A is the rarest hair type. It is usually found on people of Asian descent. 1B hair, on the other hand, is the most common hair type. It is straight and flat but has some volume.

Can you train your hair to be curlier?

Curl training restores curl memory. This method can be very useful for curls with damaged hair because in the long run, when the training is repeated often, your hair can turn into the original curls you were born with. There are two ways to train your curls: finger coiling or twisting strands of hair together.

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Can two curly haired parents have a straight haired child?

If both of your parents were born with curly hair, chances are that you’ll be born with curly hair, too. But there are cases where two curly haired parents can produce a child with straight or wavy hair. Curly hair is considered a “dominant” gene trait.

What causes your hair to become curly?

There isn’t necessarily one single gene that causes your hair to become curly. Your hair type is the result of how your parent’s DNA combines, in addition to your ethnicity. Studies suggest that people with different ancestral histories have different genes that are responsible for their hair type.

Is curly hair dominant or recessive?

Curly hair is considered a “dominant” gene trait. Straight hair is considered “recessive.” To put that in simple terms, that means that if one parent gives you two curly haired genes and the other parent gives you a pair of straight-haired genes, you’ll be born with curly hair. What makes genes dominant or recessive?