
Can I get back my restricted fiverr account?

Can I get back my restricted fiverr account?

If your account is restricted they would have send you an email about that if you haven’t received that than you can contact the CS about that and they will let you know. If you also have received a multiple warnings by violating the TOS of fiverr that lead your account to be restricted.

What if my fiverr account is restricted?

Restriction – means the account is partially disabled. The customer, either buyer or seller, can access the account, withdraw funds, complete ongoing orders, and review their order history. They cannot place or receive new orders, nor can they communicate with other customers through inbox messages.

Why does my Capital One account say restricted?

Restricted status: They usually do it when you frequently go over your credit limit and restrict it till it is brought within the credit limit. They sometimes even reduce the maximum credit limit on the card if need be. Capital one has been known to restrict a lot of its credit cards.

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How do I chat with Fiverr support?

Fiverr Customer Service Contacts

  1. Fiverr Email Support. [email protected].
  2. Fiverr Live Chat Support. N/A.
  3. Fiverr Call Center Support. +97236317882.
  4. Fiverr Knowledge Base.
  5. Fiverr Forum.

How can I get my Fiverr account back after restriction?

This depends on what kind of restriction has been imposed on your account. Basically, once your Fiverr account has been restricted you can not regain it. My advice is to reinstall windows and open a new account and then start from scratch. Do not waste your time in regaining the old account, there is no guarantee that you will get it back.

What are limitations on Fiverr?

Limitations on the Fiverr account is similar to restrictions. In some accounts, you will see that your account is limited. Generally, the limitation is put when there is some action required from your side. For example, you might see the error like “Your account has been limited until you complete your Fiverr ID verification”.

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What happens if I give the wrong ID on Fiverr?

If you are planning to click a photo with your mobile phone, your ID will be terminated. This is because Fiverr uses an automated system to detect identity. So, your photo needs to be high-quality. It is always better to use a scanned picture. Also, if you give the wrong ID for 3 times, your account will be terminated for spamming.

How do I appeal a rejected order on Fiverr?

Luckily, Fiverr has a support system where you can appeal. Of course, it will take time. You have not got any other option other than waiting. So, email them regarding the same.