
Can I get a seat in NIT with 96 percentile?

Can I get a seat in NIT with 96 percentile?

Your predicted rank is around 35000. You may get nit like jamshedpur but the branches will be metallurgy, civil production or mining engineering, biotechnology, textile engineering etc. If you just want to get into NIT and ready to take any branch then you will definitely get NIT.

Which college can I get with 96 percentile in jee mains Paper 2?

best Barch colleges
With 96 percentile you are eligible for best Barch colleges.

Can I get nit with 96.5 percentile?

Getting 96.5 Percentile is very good in jee mains. If it is considered as your best in your attempts then your rank may be around 25–30k rank. You can’t get into top nits but you will get good college.

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What is the minimum JEE MAINS rank to get admission in NIT?

There are some students who go for drop or take admission in iit, or other private college after perfoming good in jee you need to have less than 25000 rank for general, 7000 obc rank, 4000sc rank, 2500 for st rank, if you want to get good seat in good NIT and good branch.

What is my JEE Mains 2020 percentile under category of General?

My jee mains 2020 percentile is 88.91 under category of general , which nit college do I get admission in..? For admissions into the top NITs, it will be advantageous if you score more than 90 percentile. Some NITs also accept students with 80 percentile and more.

What is the NTA score of 91 in the JEE Mains?

Then the NTA score or JEE Main percentile will be = 100 – 9 that is 91. Check the names of the few colleges and their closing rank based on JEE Main cutoff marks for the various rounds below. Institute – Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS), Indore (MP)

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What is the expected rank of JEE Mains in All India?

JEE Main rank (probable)= (100-NTA percentile)*874679/100 So, your All India rank will be probably around 35000. Hope you got the information you require! All the best!! Are you sure you want to delete your answer? Hello…