
Can I download coding ninjas course free?

Can I download coding ninjas course free?

You can definitely get the Coding ninjas course for free. All you need is a bit of smartness.

Is coding ninjas career camp free?

Zero fees upfront The best part about Coding Ninjas Career Camp is that students can choose to pay no fees upfront, only paying back when they land their desired job. The Career Camp offers a minimum 5 LPA job guarantee, with salary ranging from 5-20 LPA depending upon the job profile.

Are coding ninjas courses available for free?

I had one good and one bad news for you. 1 st: GOOD NEWS is YES coding ninjas some courses videos were once leaked and were available for free on certain sites like mega, google drive and telegram. 2 nd: BAD NEWS is that coding ninjas had taken legal actions against illegal downloading of courses.

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How is coding ninjas’ competitive programming track?

The course content is nicely structured to make the learning curve smooth. I enrolled in Coding Ninjas’ competitive programming track which consisted of 3 courses: Introduction to C++, Data structures and Algorithms with C++ and Competitive programming. All the courses are well structured and taught by excellent instructors.

How can I earn Rs 1000 per semester from coding ninjas?

Refer your friend to buy any course and you will get Rs 1000 per refrrel. Apply for the Teaching Assistant role at Coding Ninjas. I was a TA for competitive programming course. Earned 27k along with a free extension of entire course for 3 months, revised the course, and brushed up my concepts.

Where can I get a free online coding course?

Coding Ninjas is one of the best e-learning platforms for programming. All the courses start from the very basic and end at an expert level. Follow this answer till end and you will be able to get the course for free and also earn a good amount after learning. Make a new account on: Coding Ninjas .