
Can I do freelancing while doing government job?

Can I do freelancing while doing government job?

Ans- No, you cannot work on any freelance projects. You cannot receive payment from any private person or body while you are working for any government. However, if the work is artistic, literary, or scientific in nature, you may do so.

Can a civil servant freelance?

No. You can not work for gain outside your employment, 2. Even for working voluntarily you shall have to take permission from appropriate authority since you are working with a Govt.

Can you be a freelancer and an employee at the same time?

As far as the legality of such freelance assignment is concerned, you are governed by the Shop and Establishment Act and or the Factory Act depending on your nature of work and industry you are employed with, and it clearly prohibits Dual Employment, though there are certain exceptions (viz.

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Can a IAS officer do freelancing?

IAS officers are strictly prohibited under governmental regulations from directly partaking in business for personal interest while serving as a bureaucrat. However, retired IAS officers are allowed to run their own businesses. Conduct rules prohibit IAS officers to engage in any other full-time occupation.

Can a civil servant invest in stocks?

35(1) No Government servant shall speculate in any stock, share or other investment: Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply to occasional investments made through stockbrokers or other persons duly authorized and licensed or who have obtained a certificate of registration under the relevant law.

Does freelancing count as a second job?

There are very few people out there who start to freelance full time and quit their regular jobs. In most cases, people take up freelancing as a side job while doing their daily job. Once they develop a firm footing in freelance work, only then they move it to full time.

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What does it mean to be a civil servant?

When someone says he or she is a civil service employee or a civil servant, it means that person works for a government agency, whether it be federal, state, or local. Each government entity is responsible for its own employment system, takes care of its own personnel needs, and engages in different hiring practices.

Can a central government employee work as a freelancer?

As an employee of Central government you are constraint f to do any private job, trade or business. But you have longing desire to do a job freelancer wise you can do it in short cut method.Do it in the name of wife or other close relatives. The can collect the benefit.

Can a government employee opt for freelancing?

Government employees can’t opt for other source of income whether it is freelancing, tuition classes and other. According to the Government rules and regulation, Government employees cannot work on any trade or business.

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What are the different types of civil service jobs?

Every occupation imaginable can be performed in a civil service environment, and many jobs are predominantly public by nature. For example, the majority of teachers, librarians, and public safety professionals work in the public sector.