
Can I ask for a raise after a promotion?

Can I ask for a raise after a promotion?

In such a situation, it can be challenging to ask for more money while simultaneously expressing your gratitude for the recognition your employer is giving you. However, you have the right to negotiate a salary increase with a promotion—and the time to do so is during the promotion.

How do you ask for a raise when offered another job?

Start the discussion by talking about what you like about your current job. Then gently but firmly bring up the counteroffer and its benefits, and ask whether your existing employer can offer you any incentives to stay. No matter what, don’t resort to threats, anger, or bullying.

Is a 25\% raise good?

They also found that asking for between 5\% and 25\% pay increases yielded the most successful negotiations. Using a range of options was not only effective in expanding potential outcomes but was also an effective strategy because it communicates politeness.

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Is it illegal to ask for a raise?

Although there’s no law against it, firing employees simply for asking for a raise isn’t a good business practice. You want to keep employees who put their best efforts into their job, and are willing to go the extra mile.

When should you ask for a pay raise?

It’s important to know where your company stands financially before you ask for a pay raise. If your company is enjoying fat profit margins, record-breaking sales numbers, and unprecedented expansion then by all means — walk in there and ask for a pay raise. Things are obviously coming up roses and you need to strike while the iron is hot.

Is it normal to get a promotion without a raise?

Salemi says promotions without raises are becoming more common as companies get creative to fill open positions and save money. But an unfortunate fact remains: “Your boss expects you to do work at a higher level and contribute at that level without compensating you fairly ,” she says.

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Is it OK to say thank you for a promotion?

“Don’t just roll over and say, ‘Thank you,’” Gates says. Salemi says some companies aren’t offering raises as part of promotions, but they’re putting additional pay for such advancement into employees’ year-end increases, so ask whether you can expect a year-end bump.

Why won’t my boss give me a raise?

Performing the minimum functions stated in your job description at an adequate level probably won’t earn you a raise. When you ask for more money, your boss will ask you why you think you deserve it. If you have no better explanation to offer than “Well, I do what I’m supposed to,” then your request will be denied.