Can ENTPs have high fi?

Can ENTPs have high fi?

The only way an ENTP can come off as Fi is if people confuse it with Fe and they have very obvious differences.

What makes ENTPs attractive?

ENTPs are attracted to a person who can give them surprises and who sees things differently than everyone else. ENTPs will become more attracted to the person if they can learn something new from them or have their perspectives challenged. ENTPs also like being with someone who can challenge and keep them guessing.

Why ENTPs are the best?

Since they are identified as extroverts, it may come as no surprise that ENTPs have very good people skills. They are skilled communicators and enjoy interacting with a wide circle of family, friends, and acquaintances. In conversations, other people often find them quick-witted.

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Why do you like ENTP?

Engaging, intelligent and easy going, ENTPs are often popular people in their social circles. Other intellectuals will like ENTPs because they can hold a debate well without getting things getting too serious or too personal. However, partners who aren’t the intellectual types will find this off-putting.

Is ENTP Fe or Fi?

ENTPs’ Tertiary Function: Extraverted Feeling ENTPs’ tertiary function is Extraverted Feeling (Fe). Fe is the most interpersonal of all the functions, striving for interpersonal peace, harmony, and understanding. This not only involves attending to what is said, but also how something is said.

What are ENTP bad at?

At worst, they are manipulative, spiteful and immature when stressed, test moral boundaries, use twisted logic to get their way, put others down, etc… Much like INTJs, they set a very high bar for themselves and others, although many ENTPs are unaware of or deny this.

What ENTP fears?

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ENTPs pride themselves on their ability to be original, inventive and capable. They greatly fear being incompetent, or unable to quickly access their normally ingenious thought process. They also fear being seen as inadequate or stupid.

Do entps hold on to their feelings?

When it comes to their inner emotions the ENTP does hold onto feelings for a long time, especially ones attached to something very personal and important to the ENTP. They won’t easily just pick up and move on from those feelings, likely harboring them inside for a long time.

What is it like to be an ententp?

ENTP’s are a minority (THANK GOODNESS). There’s a reason we only make up less than 3\% of the population. But that makes it pretty dang difficult to find like-minded individuals to befriend. Which actually, that’s probably a good thing. Get too many of us together and we’d probably take over the universe. Scratch this point altogether.

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How do ententps deflect emotions?

ENTPs do try to deflect in playful or comedic ways, so that it doesn’t upset anyone. They won’t do this aggressively, instead they will continue to make jokes and use their sense of humor as a means of avoiding the more emotional connections.
