Tips and tricks

Can a normal person wear rudraksha?

Can a normal person wear rudraksha?

Also it’s advisable to take off beads while taking bath as excess soap dehydrates the beads natural Oil. They have to be worn with faith, respect and one should love it. Rudraksha divine beads is worn by anybody regardless of age, sex caste, creed, culture and place.

Who can wear 7 faced Rudraksha?

Those who are suffering from miseries pertaining to body, health, finance, and psychological set-up should wear seven Mukhi Rudraksha. The seeds of seven Mukhi Rudraksha are easily available with us and customer can buy it from us.

Can we wear 108 Rudraksha mala?

Do Rudraksha always have 108 beads? No. Traditionally, the number of beads is 108 plus one, the bindu. It’s recommended that an adult should not wear a mala with less than 84 beads, plus the bindu – but any number over that is fine!

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Who can wear 10 Mukhi rudraksha?

Hence, anyone can wear these ten faced Rudraksha sacred bead in all the circumstances. Those people who are easily affected by Black Magic and those people who are suffering from sudden anger bursts must be worn this ten mukhi rudraksha.

Who can wear 9 Mukhi rudraksha?

It has the grace of Devi Maa (Durga Maa), the wearer of Nine Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed with the grace of all Gods. Any person who in any form worships Devi Durga Maa, they should definitely wear this nine mukhi rudraksha.

Can we wear 108 rudraksha mala?

Who can wear 10 Mukhi Rudraksha?

Can adults wear 6 Rudraksha?

The auspicious and religious bead is associated with dev shakti or the darshan of 6 devas in the body of the wearer. As per ancient texts and Guru Mukh, Lord Kartikeya the Younger son of Lord Shiva and a six-headed God rules Cheh Mukhi Rudraksha.

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How to wear a Rudraksha properly?

Rudraksha should not be worn like jewelry and kept aside later. When a person decides to wear a Rudraksha, it should become like a part of them. If someone decides not to wear their Rudraksha for an extended period of time, it should be kept in a silk cloth, preferably in a pooja room.

What are the benefits of wearing 5 mukhi rudraksha?

Wearing this Rudraksha type around your heart area is considered to be most beneficial and aids in controlling heart related ailments, tensions, anxieties, blood pressures etc. Procedure of wearing of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha: 1. Firstly, get the Rudraksha energized from a Brahmin pandit in a Shiv temple.

Can We wear rudraksha beads without wearing Ganga-Snan?

It is said, without wearing Rudraksha whatever Ganga-snan, daan, homa, Japa, Puja or Praeschit we do — all go futile. With impure intention and body, one must not wear Rudraksha beads. We can wear Rudraksha mala made with the thread of gold, chandi (silver), or simply red thread.

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Which is the most popular Rudraksha in India?

5 Mukhi RudrakshaAmongst all the different variants of Rudraksha that are available, the 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is the most popular. It almost contributes to about 50\% to 60\% of the total Rudraksha production.