
Can a engineer become astronomer?

Can a engineer become astronomer?

Originally Answered: Can I become an astronomer after doing the engineering? Yes ! You can ! To study astronomy, you just have to do MS in that field and then go on to pursue your dreams.

What major should I choose to be an astronomer?

Astronomers need a doctoral degree to specialize in their field. Typically, an astronomer first earns a bachelor’s degree in physics, astrophysics or astronomy, which includes coursework in subjects like physics, algebra, calculus, astronomy and statistics.

Is astronomy and aerospace engineering same?

Astronomy is the natural science discipline that focuses on studying space and celestial bodies such as stars, planets, meteors and galaxies. Aerospace engineering draws upon our scientific knowledge of space to design, develop, manufacture and test technology used in flight or in space.

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Which countries are best for astronomy?

Best Countries to Study Astronomy Abroad

  1. Japan. Reasons: Space program, scholarships, financial support for living expenses, and government effort on globalization.
  2. Germany.
  3. Russia.
  4. Finland.
  5. Belgium.
  6. The United States of America.
  7. Canada.

What is a aerospace engineer salary?

107,830 USD (2015)
116,500 USD (2019)
Aerospace Engineer/Median pay (annual)

Is it possible to study astronomy abroad as an engineering student?

Depends on your branch of engineering. Easier if you are from Mechanical or Aeronautical engg. If you chose MS or PhD abroad, then it is highly possible. First, I hope you are not confusing astronomy and astrophysics with astrology. The last mentioned is a useless waste of time.

What engineering skills are needed to become an astronomer?

Many astronomers build instruments, and that’s a specialized form of engineering. It usually combines healthy doses of electrical, computer, mechanical, and optical engineering. In addition, nearly every astronomer crunches data, so a background in computer science can be useful.

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How to become an astronomer in India?

You can also get a PhD degree in Astronomy & Astrophysics from Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bangalore; which is considered as one of the best colleges in India. For all the students and young scientist, the pathway to become an astronomer might be challenging but is completely doable.

What do I need to study to become an astrophysicist?

The academic path may require some knowledge that is not usually taught in engineering courses. The key disciplines necessary to perform and interpret research in any field of astrophysics are, arguably, quantum mechanics, classical (advanced) mechanics, statistical methods for astronomy and electromagnetism.