Tips and tricks

Can a Balrog defeat Smaug?

Can a Balrog defeat Smaug?

So, one glimpse into Smaug’s eyes and the Balrog falls under the spell. Even if it’s just for a second—a moment of hesitation or distraction, it’d be enough. Smaug would snatch up Durin’s Bane and gobble him up with his sword-sharp teeth (and we know swords can kill Balrogs).

Was Gothmog a Balrog?

Gothmog (Sindarin IPA: [ˈɡoθmoɡ]) was the Lord of Balrogs during the First Age, and the greatest Balrog ever to walk Middle-earth. He held the title of High-captain of Angband, being Morgoth’s front-line lieutenant as well as one of his most important servants.

Is gothmog a Sauron?

Gothmog was a lieutenant of Minas Morgul. He shared his name with Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs from the First Age….Gothmog (Lieutenant of Morgul)

Titles Lieutenant of Morgul
Position Second-in-command to the Witch-king
Location Mordor
Affiliation Sauron, the Witch-king
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What’s up with Tom Bombadil?

Proclaimed to be “the oldest in existence,” Tom Bombadil was apparently immortal and possesses a range of enigmatic powers able to give full control over his domains, seen by Goldberry that described Tom as being “Master of wood, water and hill”. He was also referenced as being impossible to capture or imprison.

Who would win in a fight Sauron or Gothmog?

In an unexpected, straight battle of blows, Gothmog would probably prove the victor after a brutal, continent wrecking contest. Sauron is no weakling, but the Balrog were created as brute power incarnate. It is unlikely he could stand the onslaught blow for blow.

How did Ecthelion defeat Gothmog?

Gothmog on the other hand was defeated by the desperate and suicidal actions of Ecthelion, who had been soundly beaten by Gothmog before he grabbed the demon and pulled it and himself into the Fountain of the King, where the water quenched Gothmog’s fire.

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What’s the difference between Ancalagon and Gothmog?

Ancalagon, like all dragons, had an unprotected underside. It is also probable that he did not cover it the way that Smaug did, as he did not lay on a treasure for centuries in order to form a diamond coat. Gothmog, on the other hand, is an immortal Maia whose only known weakness is water (and specifically elvish swords).

Why couldn’t a Balrog defeat Ancalagon?

While it is true that Ancalagon had the advantage of size, and flight, it is also true that a half-elf managed to defeat him. So why couldn’t a Balrog, especially the most powerful of the Maiar, the one that was highest ranked in Morgoth’s army (except Sauron).