
Are You the twin flame journey type you were chosen?

Are You the twin flame journey type you were chosen?

Often starting platonically, you may experience large age gaps, huge religious differences, or feel certain that your Twin is a celebrity. No, you aren’t crazy, this is just the Twin Flame Journey Type you and your Twin chose. Interested in these Journey Types and what to find out more?

What are the side effects of the twin flame journey?

A common side effect of the twin flame journey is feeling like you’re imagining the connection, that you’ve gone crazy or that you dreamed the whole thing. People who haven’t experienced the journey will have no real understanding of what you’re going through and you may feel isolated.

What is a runner-Chaser episode in Twin Flames?

Although this is a natural part of the twin flame journey, it can be very frustrating for both twins. It does however, usually highlight issues for the chaser to heal within themselves. Runner-chaser episodes can happen for either twin, can suddenly reverse, and can manifest as repeated patterns.

Can I expect a quick re-union with my twin flame?

Where as, if you are on ‘restricted’ access during your time with your twin, expecting a quick re-union would be very unrealistic. If you are currently in separation from your twin, having an idea of which type of union pathway you and your Twin Flame might be on (and time periods for separation), allows you to better manage your expectations.

What does it feel like to be a twin flame?

Your energy will feel separated, distant, painful, like an aching hollow in your chest. The deep connection that you share makes separation all the more present. This can be especially hard for twin flames during the separation phase (s) of a twin flame journey.

How long does it take for Twin Flames to get together?

Often Twin Flames can take decades to get together. Realising this was both confusing and down right scary to me. I wanted to know why it could take so much time to get to Physical Union, and if I could fast track it.

Why do Twin Flame runners lose faith in their souls?

Unfortunately, being in the twin flame runner chaser dynamic might also cause the individuals involved to lose faith. Because of the intensity and upset of the twin flame relationship, and the dramatic fallout, the runner might stop believing in twin flames and souls.

Are you trying to move on from your twin flame?

Perhaps you are the runner and you are trying to forget the relationship you had with your twin flame, and are attempting to move on. You might be back with an ex-partner or have a new romantic interest. However, the universe will be sending you signs that remind you of your twin flame.

Are You a runner or a chaser in a twin flame relationship?

Both the runner and the chaser might experience this as being separated from each other is too overwhelming. Drinking, smoking, partying, or eating junk food are all ways in which a runner or a chaser might distract themselves. Being apart from your twin flame can feel horrific, with intense feelings of regret and disappointment.

Why do Twin Flames meet later in life?

There is no end game involved, they just take one day at a time, one step at a time, on their journey to self discovery and wholeness. Unless both twins are individually whole and spiritually awakened, it will be difficult for them to continue their journey together. This is why we believe that twin flames meet later in life.

What is the ultimate home for a twin flame?

Home to your twin. Home to your divine purpose. And home to the greatest version of yourself possible. True twin flames don’t focus so much on the destination, the ultimate reunion with their twin flame. They focus instead on their individual journey and experiences until their initial meeting.

Do twintwins always travel together through each incarnation?

Twins don’t always travel together through every incarnation. In some lifetimes, one of the twins will incarnate here on Earth, while the other remains on the other side. Sometimes when this occurs they can often serve as one of their twin’s spiritual guides, for all or even just a portion, of their lifetime.

Do Twin Flames have specific soul Lessons and contracts?

While dealing with collectives, one of the most common pattern I noticed was the same reoccurring symptoms, a pattern for those who are specifically embarking on their Twin Flame journey. To me this made perfect sense as Twin Flames do have very specific Soul lessons and contracts.

What does a spiritual download feel like to you?

Spiritual downloads can bring in a feeling of euphoria or joy or other high vibration emotions… and sometimes just before (or even during) the download, you get a sense of quiet, stillness, as though you feel nothing at all. I find the emotions hit me more AFTER the download has come through.

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What is your purpose in this lifetime with your twin flame?

Together, you and your twin flame have accumulated multiple lifetimes of karma. Your purpose in this lifetime is to meet your twin flame and learn your soul lessons with them. Together, you will spread light and healing to the world.

What is the twin soul journey?

The twin soul journey is not about union; it is about finding the purpose of why your soul chose to undergo this spiritual journey. The year 2018 has be e n regarded as the turning point for all the work that light workers, star-seeds, twin flames and soulmates have been doing since the beginning of time.

What does it mean to merge with a twin flame?

The term merging with respect to the twin flame journey means that the twin souls long for each other and on reaching certain layers of healing, merge to become one on various energetic and physical levels.

How do you know if your twin flame separation is over?

When you feel this deep peace within yourself, then that is a very, very strong sign that your Twin Flame separation is almost over. Note that this is not something you can force!

How do I stop thinking about my twin flame?

It takes incredible amounts of strength to sit with yourself fully in the present and realize that you are limiting your own growth by holding onto the past while trying to plan out the future. The best thing to do is to hold love for your twin flame, but still focus solely on yourself.