
Are there parts of space with no light?

Are there parts of space with no light?

No. Inside the universe light is everywhere otherwise we could not see the stars. However, outside the universe where there is no energy there is no light because there is no medium for light to travel in.

Is there an empty space in the Universe?

There’s no matter of any type, normal or dark, and no stars, galaxies, plasma, gas, dust, black holes, or anything else. There’s no radiation in there at all, either. There is no hole in the Universe; the closest we have are the underdense regions known as cosmic voids, which still contain matter.

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What is the darkest place in the universe?

Boötes Void
The Darkest Part of the Universe–Boötes Void Located around 700 million light-years from Earth, the Boötes void was first discovered by American Astronomer Robert Kirshner alongside with his University of Michigan colleagues back in 1981, during a survey of galaxy redshifts.

Why do voids exist?

Voids are believed to have been formed by baryon acoustic oscillations in the Big Bang, collapses of mass followed by implosions of the compressed baryonic matter. Starting from initially small anisotropies from quantum fluctuations in the early universe, the anisotropies grew larger in scale over time.

What did the universe’s first light look like?

Exactly what the universe’s first light (ie. stars that fused the existing hydrogen atoms into more helium) looked like, and exactly when these first stars formed is not known. These are some of the questions Webb was designed to help us to answer. See also our Q&A with John Mather about the Big Bang.

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How far back can we see the early universe?

This can make distant objects very dim (or invisible) at visible wavelengths of light, because that light reaches us as infrared light. Webb will be able to see back to about 100 million – 250 million years after the Big Bang. But why do we need to see infrared light to understand the early universe?

What is the origin of life in the universe?

It begins with the rate of star formation in the galaxy and the fraction of stars that have planets, leading step-by-step through the portion of planets that support life and – most speculatively – to the existence and durability of detectable, technological civilizations.

Is there life around other stars?

Life on planets around other stars also might be hidden in a subsurface ocean encased in ice, invisible even to our most powerful space telescopes. Moons of Jupiter and Saturn are known to harbor such oceans, some revealing through remote sensing at least a few of the characteristics we expect for habitable worlds.