Are software engineers competitive?

Are software engineers competitive?

Given its scope and high technical bar, software engineering remains highly lucrative stuff, and also highly competitive. We spoke with four software engineers, each of whom has experience at some of the biggest firms in tech, about how they sharpened their skills and advanced in the fast-changing industry.

What makes a talented software engineer?

A good software engineer is someone who is not only competent at writing code, but also competent in everything else required to build, deliver, and ship valuable software. A good software engineer is someone that their company can trust to help them make money. “Software engineer” is a job title.

What does it take to hire software development talent?

Hiring software development talent – real talent – is a multi-faceted skill that lies at the crossroads of social networking, technical acumen, process management, and intuition. Anyone who has ever had hiring responsibility understands all-too-well the extent and depth of the hiring challenge.

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What are the pitfalls of hiring an advanced software developer?

A common pitfall is to focus too heavily on technical minutia. Admittedly, effective interviewing and hiring of advanced software developers is as much of an art as it is a science. Nonetheless, approaches and methodologies do exist for evaluating the more subtle dimensions of a software engineer’s skills and abilities.

What makes a good software developer?

Most developers will have gained solid fundamental knowledge from a degree program or online course, but the best software developers are excellent self-learners. Curious by nature, they find the balance between learning and doing, constantly applying their knowledge to practice.

Is HubSpot a good place to start a career in software development?

This can be an excellent match for developers who don’t want to write code all day but understand software engineering. The other nice part about sales is that you don’t need any specialized certifications to do it. Hubspot offers a great introduction to some skills and resources you can start with.