Tips and tricks

Are Pashtuns Europeans?

Are Pashtuns Europeans?

Hazara, like Pashtun and Tajik, belong to the Indo-Iranian group of the Indo-European family, while the Uzbek language is in the Turkic family.

Are Nuristanis Pashtuns?

The Nuristani do not have a formal tribal structure as the Pashtuns do, however they do designate themselves by the names of the local regions they are from. In total, there are 35 such designations: five from the north–south valleys and 30 from the east–west valley.

What language do Nuristani speak?

The Nuristani group includes six languages—Kati, Kamviri, Prasuni, Waigali, Tregami, and Ashkun—each of which has several dialects. There is no written literary tradition associated with any of these languages.

Is Nuristan a country?

Parun serves as the provincial capital. Nuristan is bordered on the south by Laghman and Kunar provinces, on the north by Badakhshan province, on the west by Panjshir province….Nuristan Province.

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Nuristan نورستان
Coordinates:35.25°N 70.75°ECoordinates:35.25°N 70.75°E
Country Afghanistan
Provincial center Parun

Is Nuristanis an Aryan?

The Nuristanis are the descendants of some forgotten Aryan people cut off from the world, in their inaccessible valleys in the eastern arm of the Hindukush. Amir Abdur Rehman Khan forced their conversion to Islam in the later part of the 9th century.

What is the difference between European and Nuristanis?

Europe does not have a single monolithic look. There is a difference between a Greek and a Swedish look. Nuristanis varies drastically in how we look. Many Nuristanis have lighter hair/eyes/skin, as is found among Pashtuns, Syrians, Lebanese etc., and there are Nuristanis with darker hair/eyes/skin etc.

Why do Nuristanis look different from other races?

Nuristanis varies drastically in how we look. Many Nuristanis have lighter hair/eyes/skin, as is found among Pashtuns, Syrians, Lebanese etc., and there are Nuristanis with darker hair/eyes/skin etc. Because there exists Caucasoid people outside Europe such as in Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia.

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Why do some Russians look like Indo-Europeans?

Because some of them are descendants of Indo-Europeans. More explanation: Indoeuropeans were people who originally lived in what is now Southern Russia and Ukraine. They looked like contemporary Europeans more or less (with some of the being blonde and others in various shades of brown).

Nuristanis like Pashtuns and many other Central Asian peoples originated from the Middle East and the Indo-Europeans. Even Europeans originated from the Middle East 8000 years ago. This Nuristani politician look fully afghani he would be confused for a muslim anywhere on earth (Trademarked-stop at airport look)