
Are INTPs good at hiding their emotions?

Are INTPs good at hiding their emotions?

For some personality types it does seem easier to receive hurt feelings, especially from those they love. INTPs have a tendency to hide their feelings, and focus more on facts and information. This isn’t because they don’t feel things as strong, it is just easier for them to focus on things which are more tangible.

Which personality type hides their feelings?

Because people with a Type D personality tend to hide their negative emotions, they may not necessarily feel or act depressed or anxious. People who know them may be surprised to learn that they are struggling.

Do INTPs bottle up their emotions?

Because they tend to be fairly reserved and logical, INTPs may have a difficult time being vulnerable with their partners. They often deprioritize their own emotions and bottle up their feelings, which is likely to frustrate a partner who seeks emotional closeness.

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Are INTPs intense?

INTPs have feelings as intense as any other types, but accessing that feeling is much more difficult compared to types with feelings up in the dominant or auxiliary levels.

Do INTPs tend to hide their feelings?

Anyone with very human emotions is going to get hurt once in a while, whether it is from someone intentionally trying to wound or simply accidental. INTPs have a tendency to hide their feelings, and focus more on facts and information.

Why do INTPs like to analyze everything?

They enjoy analyzing information and strive to really understand the world around them better. INTPs are also imaginative people who value being able to look at things from so many different angles. This causes them to want to make sense of everything, including feelings and emotions.

Why do INTPs get hurt easily?

INTPs can be sensitive to getting hurt feelings without fully realizing that they are, since they have a tendency to bury things inside in hopes that they will go away. Sometimes neglecting those emotions can make them worse and cause them to fester as they go unresolved for so long.

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Are INTPs Emotionally tired?

INTPs don’t want to appear emotional or weak, but that doesn’t mean that they personal struggles can’t be a bit draining and overwhelming at times. While they want to focus on things which are more logical even they have times when they are feeling emotionally exhausted. 1. Being Misunderstood