
Are group punishments effective?

Are group punishments effective?

Collective punishment was counterproductive, provoking more occurrences of the undesired behavior. In no variation did collective punishment have a statistically significant effect on the likelihood of group members to punish one another internally to self-police or self-enforce group norms.

Are group punishments bad?

Even when we use group punishments sparingly, some students will feel slighted. When students are losing recess or being held after school day after day, week after week, we are seriously damaging our relationships with those students. Overuse of collective punishment can also backfire.

Why is collective punishment illegal?

Collective punishment is prohibited, based on the fact that criminal responsibility can be attributed only to individuals. Respect for this principle can be ensured solely by establishing guarantees that protect judicial procedures.

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Is collective punishment ethical?

Collective punishment is prohibited by treaty in both international and non-international armed conflicts, more specifically Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II. When collective punishment has been imposed it has resulted in atrocities.

Why does the military use group punishment?

The purpose of such “group punishment” is not to teach the individual to comply with the rules, but to teach the team how to overcome an individual team member’s rule breaking. If a sports team does not learn to do this, they will lose the game. If a military team does not learn to do this, they will die.

Why do we punish the innocent?

Punishing the innocent People experience an impulse to punish others, i.e. to intentionally apply a negative sanction upon someone [4] for having committed an action considered as wrong [5]. Such retributive motives suggest that punishing innocent people should be perceived as immoral and unfair.

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Is it a war crime to use collective punishment?

What is group punishment in schools?

Group, or collective, punishment is one such approach. Collective punishment in schools is when a group of students, for example a whole class or a whole grade, is punished for the actions of a few.

What do you think about the issue of collective punishment?

The issue of collective punishment really digs at me more each day, especially after reading other parents’ concerns. How often do we as adults tell our children to not give in to peer pressure? Collective punishment is basically school administrators and teachers trying to use peer pressure to bully or guilt kids into behaving.

Do punishments improve student behaviour?

Second, there is now clear evidence punishments are not effective in improving problematic behaviour. Research suggests punitive responses actually increase future problematic student behaviour. A student often misbehaves when they feel disengaged and disengagement can come from feeling excluded from peers and teachers.

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Should students be punished for something they didn’t do?

The negative peer pressure associated with collective punishment compounds the likelihood of further social exclusion exacerbating the transgressing student’s disengagement. One imagines this would especially be the case for students being punished for something they didn’t do.