Tips and tricks

Are GREY Jedi The true Jedi?

Are GREY Jedi The true Jedi?

The actual term of “Gray Jedi” is not Canon. As of right now, there is no Canon early Jedi Order that studied and practiced both the light and dark side. The Je’daii Order is Legends, and therefore, non-canon.

Is there a GREY Jedi Order?

The Gray Jedi Order was a branch of the Jedi that broke off from the Jedi Order in 132 BBY. It originated as a splinter group from the exiled Potentium. The Gray Jedi believed in balance, not only in the Force, but in every other aspect of the galaxy as well.

Can you be a Gray Jedi in swtor?

The organization as you may think of it doesn’t exist, but SWTOR does have its own gray force users, and quite a few of them. Revan and his Revanites adopted gray Jedi tendencies.

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Why are GREY Jedi hated?

It’s the same problem with the term “dark Jedi.” It can’t exist because it is a paradox. Star Wars fans hate the idea of “grey Jedi” because it’s a stupid Mary Sue idea written in bad fan fiction by people who want to have their cake and eat it too.

Was Darth Revan a GREY Jedi?

Legends Characters Two of the most prominent Gray Jedi in Star Wars Legends were Revan and Jolee Bindo. Although Revan was never officially classified as a Gray Jedi, he represents someone who constantly straddled the line between the light side and the dark side.

Are Grey Jedi stronger?

A Gray Jedi is technically more Jedi than Sith, but they typically stay out of the affairs of either group and do their own thing. As such, a Gray Jedi is very powerful, but they are always walking on the fine line between embracing too much light or darkness.

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Is Luke Skywalker a Grey Jedi?

Originally Answered: Is Luke Skywalker a gray Jedi? No. He’s called a Jedi by Yoda. Actually, there is no such thing as a “gray Jedi” according to the canon of the movies (although the writers of the Clone Wars, Rebels or the comics may have added the concept in — I don’t pay attention to much non-movie media).

Who is Bendu in the Last Jedi?

―Bendu. Bendu was a Force-sensitive entity who resided on the remote planet of Atollon and claimed to represent the center of the Force, between the light side and the dark side. Bendu encountered Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus in 2 BBY.

What is an example of a Gray Jedi?

One example was Jolee Bindo, a former Jedi Padawan and a Gray Jedi that served the Old Republic . Although the term did not directly refer to those who were capable of using both light and dark side Force abilities, all Gray Jedi could do so.

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How did Bendu scare away the krykna?

The two Jedi were surrounded by several krykna but Bendu awoke and scared them away. When Bendu asked the two Jedi whether they had come for a chat, Ezra related to the Force-wielder their predicament with Maul. Ezra and Kanan explained that Maul desired both the Sith holocron and Kanan’s own Jedi holocron.

Was Qui-Gon Jinn a Gray Jedi?

Around 44 BBY, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was thought of as a Gray Jedi by some members of the Order for his frequent opposition to their demands. One group of renegade Jedi described themselves as “gray” even though they held to the same views as the Jedi Council on the subject of the dark side.