
Are friends or partners more important?

Are friends or partners more important?

Studies into inter-personal connectivity have shown that friendships are the most important relationships we have in terms of our health and happiness, and cultivating them into old age could even help us live longer. Friendships, when they’re good, are more important than any other connection we have.

Should couples have their own friends?

Having your own friends—in addition to mutual ones—helps you and your partner stay connected to a greater community. Good friends provide models for healthy relationships that you can discuss with your spouse and apply to your primary relationship.

Can You Be Friends with your enemy and still be friends?

It is possible for someone to be friends with you and friends with your enemy without being unduly influenced by either party. This happens to many of us when two friends separate and divorce. We don’t take one side or the other … we remain friends with both individuals. We must allow our friends the same courtesy.

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How do you deal with your friends and your enemies?

Your friend can be friends with whoever they want. You either deal with it by being civil in their presence ( until your enemy is not), or avoid the situation by not attending the same events. If your enemy chooses to deal with it you may end up putting your differences behind you for your friends sake.

Should you break off with a friend who trusts your enemy?

But if you realize that the middle person isn’t someone you can trust you need to break it off before you get hurt in the process. It’s ultimately up to you whether you want to risk being friends with someone who trusts your enemy. But make sure you’re making the best decision for you and not everyone else.

Why do I dump my Friend for her enemy?

You dump your friend because they are NOT your friend. Chances are, your friend knows who your enemies are, particularly if they are someone that both of you work with or go to school with. And despite this, your ‘friend’ WILLFULLY decided to befriend your enemy, knowing that this could cause issues between the two of you.