
Are destroyers good against submarines?

Are destroyers good against submarines?

Originally Answered: Can a destroyer take out a submarine? Yes. They were designed to do exactly that. They don’t fare well on the wrong side of a torpedo.

How did destroyers detect submarines?

A significant detection aid that has continued in service is the Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD), a passive device. First used during the Second World War, MAD uses the Earth’s magnetosphere as a standard, detecting anomalies caused by large metallic vessels, such as submarines.

Can a battleship destroy a submarine?

Your goal is to move each submarine so that it occupies the same cell as a battleship. When a submarine occupies the same cell as a battleship, the battleship is destroyed. Each submarine can only destroy one battleship. Battleships cannot move.

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What destroyer sank the most U boats?

Yet the world’s record for sinking submarines belongs not to a destroyer or an aircraft carrier, but a humble destroyer escort. The USS England sank six Japanese submarines in just 12 days in May 1944.

Why are destroyers called DD?

DD stands for destroyer, CV for carrier. DDG means guided missile destroyer, CVN means nuclear carrier, etc.

How do submarines defend against torpedoes?

Modern torpedoes detect the decoys after a while; therefore, the main aim is to keep the ship’s distance from the torpedo until its battery is dead/out of fuel. The new towed decoys are especially used against wake-homing torpedoes to trigger torpedo guns before reaching the ship.

Did submarines fight each other?

Yes, and in one instance, a British submarine, HMS Venturer, torpedoed and sank the German U-864 off the southern coast of Norway while both were submerged and underway. To this day, it is the only time in all of history where this has indisputably occurred.

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How effective are submarines against ships in WW2?

By World War II they were so effective against warships that they sank nearly as much aircraft carrier tonnage as was sunk by aircraft. Postwar attack submarines, nuclear-powered and armed with missiles and more advanced torpedoes, now pose an even greater threat to surface warships.

What is the difference between an antisubmarine and a submarine?

The tactical competition between the two is all search and screening, deadly hide-and-seek, for when the submarine closes, its target can do naught but try to escape the blow, and when antisubmarine forces localize a submarine, no help will come and it will either have to fight like a cornered beast or go silent and try to slip away.

Do submarines really attack movies?

Submarine movies such as Crimson Tide and Hunter Killer use torpedo chase scenes for dramatic effect. The reality is that a torpedo maneuvering and hunting submarines that are frantically trying to evade is the least likely scenario in a modern submarine attack.

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How did WW2 submarines detect underwater objects?

The short answer is “sonar” – either passive hydrophones listening for the noise of the submarine’s propellers and her passage through the water, or active sonar that broadcast pulses of sound and listened for the echoes off submerged objects. A WW2 sonar could detect a submerged submarine at a range of up to a mile or so in good conditions.