
Are car test drives free?

Are car test drives free?

Yes! Test drives are free!

How long is a test drive?

between 15 and 30 minutes
Expect the test drive to last between 15 and 30 minutes, including the salesperson’s time behind the wheel. Be prepared for the salesperson to ask if you’re ready to buy when you return to the dealership after the test drive.

What happens on a test drive?

Normally, someone from the dealership will accompany you on your test drive and you may find that they have a pre-determined route that they’ll take you on. You may be able to take an alternative route if you ask, but you’ll normally find that you’ll be driving around the local area for 30 to 60 minutes.

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What is the longest you can test drive a car?

Your test drive is most likely to be between 15 and 30 minutes but don’t be afraid to ask for longer if you feel you need it. Some dealers offer special extended test drives of 24 or 48 hours from time to time. Even 7-day test drives are not unheard of.

Can a car dealer be liable for a test drive?

However, under the legal theory of negligent entrustment, liability will be imposed on the dealer if it knew or should have known the prospective buyer was an incompetent, careless, or reckless driver when it allowed the buyer on a test-drive (for example, the test-driver is visibly intoxicated).

Can you test drive a car without a salesperson?

You can ask to test drive without the salesperson along: While some dealerships will require the presence of the salesperson in the car with you, many will permit you to do the drive on your own. A few will even allow you to keep the car overnight so that you can see how it fits in your garage as well as get a better feel for it.

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Can a dealer tell you where to drive during a test drive?

For example, in three such cases out of Washington, Virginia, and Ohio, courts held that the dealer/owner, by virtue of being present for the test-drive, had the right to direct the prospective buyer how and where to drive the vehicle, and at any time could have taken the vehicle from the prospective buyer.

Can a dealer charge more for a test drive in Colorado?

Similarly, Colorado courts have ruled that the dealer and prospective buyer share a common purpose in conducting the test drive, regardless of their differing financial positions (i.e., the dealer wants to be paid more for the car, the buyer wants to pay less). The majority rule has also been applied in Indiana.