
Are astrologers always true?

Are astrologers always true?

Astrology purports that astronomical bodies have influence on people’s lives beyond basic weather patterns, depending on their birth date. This claim is scientifically false. In one of the most famous experiments, Shawn Carlson had 28 astrologers make predictions and then tested the accuracy of their predictions.

How true is Astrology for marriage?

Yes, your Kundalini in Astrology does matter in marriage decisions. Kundalini is a synonym of Kundali/horoscope/birth chart/natal chart but the meaning remains the same. The Kundli or horoscope is the governor of all the aspects of human life, and marriage is therefore no different.

How can you tell if an online astrologer is real?

An online astrologer who always goes by just one name is fake. “Celeste” is fake. “Mary” and “Padre” and “Pasqualina” are fake. A fake will tell you about “your stars.” A real astrologer will tell you about “your planets.” Real astrologers will ask for your birth time, date, and place.

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What information can be used to create a fake astrology report?

Any information you provide about your personal life or background may be used to create a fake astrology report. Real astrologers ask for you birth date, time and place. They also need the birth date, time and place for anyone you ask about. They can’t do an astrology report without this information, but this is the ONLY information they need.

Can an astrologer give you a reading over the phone?

A real astrologer prefers not to give readings over the phone, although sometimes it can’t be helped. A real astrologer will give you an hour or a half-hour of time in which to answer your questions about your horoscope.

What is an astrologer and how do they work?

Today’s astrologers commonly use computers to calculate astrological charts, but proper chart interpretation can be done only by a human astrologer. It’s like your doctor: She gets the results of your lab tests, but she has been specially educated as to how to interpret what the numbers mean for you.