
Why did royal families intermarry?

Why did royal families intermarry?

Royal intermarriage is the practice of members of ruling dynasties marrying into other reigning families. It was more commonly done in the past as part of strategic diplomacy for national interest. Marriage between dynasties could serve to initiate, reinforce or guarantee peace between nations.

Was there inbreeding in the British royal family?

In humans, the most extreme cases of close inbreeding are frequently found in royal dynasties. Indeed, brother-sister and parent-child marriages were not unusual in ancient royal dynasties such as the Egyptian pharaohs or the Persian dynasty (Middleton, 1962; Bixler, 1982a, 1982b; Ager, 2005).

Why do royal families intermarry to maintain their bloodlines?

In the days (centuries) before the pitfalls of genetics were common knowledge, royal and aristocratic families intermarried in order to keep their bloodlines “pure” – ie. they couldn’t trust “common” blood not to pollute whatever it was they believed gave them the right to rule.

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When did the practice of intermarriage between royal dynasties begin?

In Europe, the practice was most prevalent from the medieval era until the outbreak of World War I, but evidence of intermarriage between royal dynasties in other parts of the world can be found as far back as the Late Bronze Age. Monarchs were often in pursuit of national and international aggrandisement on behalf…

What is the history of intermarriage in the Middle Ages?

In Europe, the practice was most prevalent from the medieval era until the outbreak of World War I, but evidence of intermarriage between royal dynasties in other parts of the world can be found as far back as the Late Bronze Age.

What are some examples of royal intermarriages in Africa?

Other examples of historical, mythical and contemporary royal intermarriages throughout Africa include: Maxhob’ayakhawuleza Sandile, King of Rharhabe Xhosas, and Noloyiso Sandile, the daughter of King Cyprian Bhekuzulu of the Zulus.