Tips and tricks

How can I persuade my mum to get a dog?

How can I persuade my mum to get a dog?

Here are some ways to show your folks that you’re ready for a dog.

  1. Plan out a daily routine.
  2. Show them how you plan to implement that routine.
  3. Prove to your parents that you’re responsible.
  4. Do your research.
  5. Figure out a way to help with the expenses that come with dog ownership.
  6. Talk up the pros of owning a dog.

Why wont my mum let me have a dog?

Answer: There may be restrictions placed by the landlord. He or she may have made your parents sign a paper refusing to keep a dog, or they may have to pay extra rent each month because of a dog. If that is the case, they may never want to get a dog.

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Is it cheaper to own a dog or cat?

If the decision came down to your wallet, cats are significantly cheaper than dogs, costing about $13,625 to $17,510 in a lifetime, compared to dogs at $16,607 to $22,423. We based the lifetime costs on the average lifespan of dogs (10-13 years) and cats (12-15 years).

Do your parents let you beg for a dog?

But your parents don’t seem so charmed by the idea. Apparently, begging works well for dogs, but no matter how much YOU beg, Mom and Dad just keep saying “no!” If this is your life right now, you probably feel really sad. And frustrated.

How do you convince your mother to get a dog?

This is KEY, because once you know exactly WHY your mother doesn’t want a dog, for instance, you can come up with really good counter-arguments to convince her she DOES want a dog. (A “counter-argument,” by the way, is a great strategy to use any time you don’t get what you want right away.

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Is a dog too expensive to convince your parents to get?

There you are, trying so hard to figure out how to convince your parents to get a dog, and your Dad says, “I’m sorry – a dog is just too expensive.” He isn’t wrong, by the way. Dogs CAN be expensive. Did you know that buying a pet puppy or dog from a dog breeder could cost $500 to $1,000 JUST for the dog?

How do you talk to your parents about getting a dog?

Show them that you are prepared for dog ownership by thinking about what you need to do to take care of a dog. Talk about a dog as a “family” pet. Talk to your parents about how having a dog will make you spend more time around the house.