
Why are only carbonated drinks returnable?

Why are only carbonated drinks returnable?

Most people don’t get charged a deposit these days. Originally, you paid a deposit on a bottle of soda because the bottling companies wanted their bottles back so they could wash and reuse them. Then came the “no deposit, no return” containers in the 1960s.

Why is there no deposit on water bottles?

Water bottles will not disappear anytime soon. Without a deposit on the bottles, people will simply toss the recyclable bottles into the trash. Placing a deposit on water bottles and other plastic beverage containers will reduce pollution, conserve petroleum and increase recycling rates.

Why are some bottles non returnable?

A reason for the trend toward nonreturnable containers is the fact that Americans’ lives and entertainment habits changed, with more families enjoying drinks and entertainment at home, especially after World War II.

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Can bacteria grow in carbonated drinks?

Molds cannot grow in carbonated beverages, but may be found in sports drinks and other non-carbonated drinks. Bacteria can also contaminate soft drinks, especially those having some natural fruit juice as an ingredient.

Is Michigan doing away with bottle deposits?

2020-21 in order to support Michigan’s efforts to fight the coronavirus. Beginning in June 2020, the bottle deposit return program began to be reestablished in a phased-in manner, and the program was fully reestablished in October 2020.

Does Michigan have a deposit on water bottles?

Under Michigan’s current law, distributors must charge a 10-cent deposit per returnable container when they sell their products to retailers. Retailers then pass the charge onto customers and refund it when containers are returned.

Why did we stop reusing glass bottles?

Beverage companies tend to avoid reusable glass bottles because the difference in design requires extra efforts in sorting. What’s more, collecting and transporting reusable glass bottles requires more storage facilities and labor.

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What does NR mean in beer?

A History of Non-Returnable Beer Bottles. Page 1. A History of Non-Returnable Beer Bottles.

Can mold grow in drinks?

Acetic acid bacteria and molds (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mucor, and Fusarium) can grow only when dissolved oxygen is present as is in the case of noncarbonated soft drinks. The molds grow slowly in bottled beverages and often are detected only after the beverages are in the marketplace.

Is it illegal to throw away bottles in Michigan?

Can I throw beverage containers in the garbage? No. A law passed in 2004 (PA 34 of 2004) prohibits beverage containers, as defined in Deposit Law, from being disposed of in a landfill. Beverage containers may be placed in recycling bins, taken to a recycling center, or redeemed for deposit.

What bottles have a deposit in Michigan?


Name Michigan Beverage Container Act
Containers Covered Any airtight metal, glass, paper, or plastic container, or a combination, under 1 gallon
Amount of Deposit 10¢
Reclamation System Retail stores
Handling Fee None
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