
Is living near power lines bad?

Is living near power lines bad?

Scientific studies suggest there is some correlation between magnetic fields and a risk of certain cancers, notably leukemia in children. He concluded that children who lived near power lines were twice as likely to develop cancer as those who did not, because of the electromagnetic fields the lines created.

How far should you live from high voltage wires?

The strongest magnetic fields are usually emitted from high voltage transmission lines — the power lines on the big, tall metal towers. To be sure that you are reducing the exposure levels to 0.5 milligauss (mG) or less, a safety distance of 700 feet may be needed. It could be much less, but sometimes more.

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Does living near high voltage power lines cause cancer?

So no, electrical power lines do not cause cancer.

Does high-voltage power line affect nearby homes?

A 2018 study from the Journal of Real Estate Research found that vacant lots near high-voltage power lines sell for 44.9\% less than equivalent lots that aren’t located near power lines. If you take a step back, a lot that is located within 1,000 feet of transmission lines tends to sell for 17.9\% less.

Do power lines affect your health?

There is no established evidence that the exposure to magnetic fields from powerlines, substations, transformers or other electrical sources, regardless of the proximity, causes any health effects.

What is the safest distance to live from power lines?

The recommended distance from high voltage lines is 200 meters. Houses that are 200 meters or more from a high voltage power line usually have typical radiation levels that have insignificant effects on human beings. You can live within the 50 meters limit for low voltage lines and still be safe from harmful radiation.

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Is it dangerous to live near high voltage power lines?

Health Risks Associated with Living Near High-Voltage Power Lines. In conclusion, there are no known health risks that have been conclusively demonstrated to be caused by living near high-voltage power lines. But science is unable to prove a negative, including whether low-level EMFs are completely risk free.

Are high-voltage wires harmful to children?

They chose a residential area inside Denver, Colorado to conduct the study and compared the electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation effects on people living at various distances from high-voltage wires and transmission towers. The results were shocking as children living close to power sources were more at risk for childhood leukemia.

Do magnetic fields from power lines cause cancer?

“This review summarizes the evidence stating that excessive exposure to magnetic fields from power lines and other sources of electric current increases the risk of development of some cancers and neurodegenerative diseases, and that excessive exposure to RF radiation increases risk of cancer,…

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What are the effects of living close to power lines?

Depression A research conducted on the psychological effects of living close to power lines showed exposure to extremely low frequency EMF might contribute to the number of depression-related suicides in people living close to those power sources.