Tips and tricks

How can I decide what to do with my life?

How can I decide what to do with my life?

10 ways to decide the life you want – and how to make it happen

  1. 1 Decide what you want. Sounds simple enough.
  2. 2 Write it out as if you’ve got it already.
  3. 3 Read the vision a few times a day and feel what you would feel like when you are actually living that life.

How do I start my life at 40?

Start with some fresh thinking. Figure out what’s working and not and make the changes needed. Pay yourself first….FAQ: Starting over at 40 with nothing

  1. Figure out your Goals.
  2. List the Actions needed.
  3. Calculate the Means you currently have and might need to create.
  4. Execute the plan, review and revise as needed.

Do you feel like you have wasted your entire life?

I get that that seems like a stupid exercise and you still feel like you have wasted your life. But if you can find even one thing that you can be thankful for, then that will help you feel an element of control that you can build upon. That one tiny feeling could really help you in moving forwards. Yes, I’ve Wasted My Entire Life. Or Most of it.

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What is wasting your life?

Instead, it is the insidious wasting of a life that takes place over years with many seemingly small, harmless habits and decisions. I came to realize the process of wasting your life is slow and doesn’t happen overnight, but the results are devastating.

What happens to Your Life After college?

The years following college aren’t kind to us. We are thrust into the real world with a large amount of student debt, jobs that barely pay enough to make rent, relationships that are rapidly changing and a profound feeling of being lost on how to handle it all. Nobody likes you when you’re twenty-three, including your own life.

How did everything in your life come about?

Everything in your life has come about from the choices you have made. Sure, your background may have been hard, possibly really hard. But you have choices about how you feel, you have choices about how you act.