Why is Krishna usually portrayed as blue in artistic interpretations?

Why is Krishna usually portrayed as blue in artistic interpretations?

Many “Mythological” theories to the bluish skin colour of Lord Krishna are also believed! Blue is considered to be immeasurable and infinite like the sky and hence Lord Krishna shows bluish skin colour to depict his infinite and immeasurable presence.

Why are Indian gods blue?

The deity who has the qualities of bravery, manliness, determination, the ability to deal with difficult situations, of stable mind and depth of character is represented as blue colored. Lord Rama and Krishna spent their life protecting humanity and destroying evil, hence they are colored blue.

Why Lord Vishnu is blue?

Lord Vishnu resides on the blue cosmic ocean. He rests on the five-headed serpent names sheshnag. He is believed to be the all-pervading, omniscient, omnipresent god. So, Lord Vishnu is shown in blue color as he is infinite and immeasurable like the sky and surrounded by the infinite cosmic ocean.

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Why is Rama blue in the painting?

Krishna and Rama are/have been shown to be blue simple because they are that close to Vishnu. Unlike the other avatars of Vishnu, one can say that Rama and Krishna were born with ‘extreme carefulness’.

Why is Krishna blue Quora?

Krishna ingested the poison that demoness Putana fed him with milk during his childhood, on another occasion he had poison from the Kaaliyaa, the five-headed serpent in Yamuna whom he killed (Kaliyaa mardan). He is known to absorb the poison of sins of people, thus turning blue.

How is Krishna described?

Krishna is the god of love, tenderness and compassion. Hindu mythology portrays him as a prankster, a gentle lover, a universal supreme being and child-like God. The narrative and stories of Lord Krishna’s life are referred to as Krishna Leela.

Why is Shiva painted blue?

The poison was so deadly that whatever came into its contact soon perished. Since lord Shiva is known to be extremely powerful, he drank the deadly poison which soon started spreading throughout his body turning it into blue.

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Why is Lord Krishna always depicted as having blue skin?

Even in traditional p atta chitras (cloth art) in Odisha, Lord Krishna and Vishnu are always shown having black skin. Then why is Lord Krishna universally depicted as someone with blue skin? Hindu religion believes in symbolisms and the blue color is a symbol of the infinite and the immeasurable.

What is the meaning of Krishna’s aura?

That form which is not yet physical, or refuses to become physical but still maintains a form, is called aura. Krishna being blue-bodied need not necessarily mean his skin color was blue. Maybe he was dark-skinned, but people who were aware saw the blueness of his energy, so they described him as blue.

Why are so many gods in India shown as blue-skinned?

It is based on this that so many gods in India are shown as blue-skinned. Shiva has a blue skin, Krishna has a blue skin, Rama has a blue skin. It is not that their skin was blue. They were referred to as blue gods because they had a blue aura.

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What is the story behind Lord krishna’s blue throat?

The legends tell us that Lord Krishna had drunk poisoned milk given by a demon when he was a baby and that had caused the bluish tinge in his skin. The same theory is floated to explain blue throat ( neelkanth) of Lord Shiva, who is believed to have drunk the poison to save the world from destruction at the time of Samudra Manthan.