
What exactly is poison?

What exactly is poison?

poison, in biochemistry, a substance, natural or synthetic, that causes damage to living tissues and has an injurious or fatal effect on the body, whether it is ingested, inhaled, or absorbed or injected through the skin.

What does poison do to the human body?

It depends on the substance, amount, and type of exposure. Your age, weight, and state of health also affect your outcome. Poisoning can cause short-term effects, like a skin rash or brief illness. In serious cases, it can cause brain damage, a coma, or death.

What causes poison?

carbon monoxide and other gases and vapors, as well as other kinds of smoke and harmful substances; substances ingested with food, including plants and mushrooms; substances derived from contact with poisonous animals (insect bites in the vast majority of cases).

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What is the cure for poison?

antidotes – these are substances that either prevent the poison from working or reverse its effects. sedatives – may be given if the person is agitated. a ventilator (breathing machine) – may be used if the person stops breathing.

What are the ways to be poisoned?

Poisoning is injury or death due to swallowing, inhaling, touching or injecting various drugs, chemicals, venoms or gases. Many substances — such as drugs and carbon monoxide — are poisonous only in higher concentrations or dosages. And others — such as cleaners — are dangerous only if ingested.

How long does it take for poison to affect your body?

Delayed Onset of Poisoning Symptoms Because it acts so slowly, 7 to 12 hours may pass before the first symptoms begin (no appetite when normally hungry, nausea, and vomiting). The classic example of a very slow poison is lead.

What are the worst poisons?

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BOTULINUM. Botulinum is THE deadliest poison known to humanity.

  • VX. This VX is known as the most dangerous nerve gas.
  • RICIN. Ricin is generally extracted from the castor bean thus considered as one of the deadliest poisons known to Humanity.
  • What household items are poisonous?

    Household plants. They make look pretty, but plants are deceptively dangerous if you have children or pets running around the house. Popular varieties like daffodil, iris, lily-of-the-valley, ivy, and even mistletoe are poisonous when consumed, according to the National Capital Poison Center.

    What are the most common types of poisoning?

    The list of types of Poisoning mentioned in various sources includes: Food Poisoning. Heavy metal poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Radon poisoning. Chemical poisoning. Drug poisoning. Alcohol poisoning.

    How does poison effect the body?

    Poisoning can affect the body in different ways, from minor discomfort to long-term organ damage. Lead poisoning, for example, can lead to permanent brain and kidney damage. A caustic or chemical poison can burn the throat and stomach and lead to scarring.