
Who could Goku beat in DC?

Who could Goku beat in DC?

10 DC Heroes Who Would Make Goku Sweat

  1. 1 Superman Would Eat Goku For Breakfast.
  2. 2 The Spectre Would Beat Goku Before He Even Knew It Was A Fight.
  3. 3 Martian Manhunter’s Defensive Abilities Would Get Him The Win.
  4. 4 Shazam’s Powers & Intelligence Would Him Let Beat Goku.
  5. 5 Zatanna Could Defeat Goku With A Few Words.

Who could Goku beat?

Although barely any anime characters can defeat Goku, there are some who can rival him and put up a fight.

  • 3 Vegeta.
  • 4 Kaguya Otsutsuki.
  • 5 Alucard.
  • 6 Naruto Uzumaki.
  • 7 Sasuke Uchiha.
  • 8 Saitama.
  • 9 Ryuk.
  • 10 Nanika.

Is Goku stronger than DC?

While often compared due to their prominence, Dragon Ball’s Goku is stronger than DC Comics’ Man of Steel and would, probably, win in a fight. Goku’s died several times but Superman has only died once and also came back stronger.

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Is Goku stronger than DC and Marvel villains?

Goku might be able to beat many DC and Marvel villains, but superheroes tend to be stronger than their universe’s foes. The world of manga and anime is filled with iconic protagonists like Naruto and Monkey D. Luffy, but those characters would have never existed if it weren’t for Goku and the Dragon Ball franchise.

Who would win in a fight Doctor Strange or Goku?

In a physical fight, Goku would annihilate Doctor Strange because he is not a hand-to-hand fighter, but Strange doesn’t need to rely on his fists to beat Goku. As a master of the mystic arts, Dr. Strange’s source of power comes from magic, and with it, he can use a multitude of abilities.

Who is the strongest mutant in Marvel Comics?

Marvel has plenty of powerful mutants, and Sentry may be the strongest of them all, even though he got his powers from a special serum. Goku may be capable of blowing up a planet, but Sentry has the power of one million exploding suns, which means that facing off against Goku.

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Can Saitama defeat Goku in One Punch Man?

So far, there’s nothing in One Punch Man that suggests Saitama can’t destroy Goku, but everything we do know about the Hero for Fun seems to imply that he can. This entry might surprise some, but we mustn’t forget Rhydon’s strongest move: Horn Drill.