
How good is Stack Overflow reputation?

How good is Stack Overflow reputation?

the real answer: spend a few months earning a five digit Stack Overflow reputation, and you’ll be getting job offers in the $100K+ range without an interview. There is no reason why a high reputation (or “score”) on any site will get you a job at all.

How do I contact someone on Stack Overflow?

How do I talk? First, enter a chat room — they’re all public by default. You may enter and read the conversation in any room, but you may not talk until you earn 20 reputation. To talk, enter your message in the chat input area at the bottom of the room and pressing enter or clicking the send button.

Can I lose reputation on Stack Overflow?

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All users start with one reputation point, and reputation can never drop below 1. If a user reverses a vote, the corresponding reputation loss or gain will be reversed as well. Vote reversal as a result of voting fraud will also return lost or gained reputation.

How do you list full stack development on a resume?

Here is how to list skills on a resume for full stack developer jobs:

  1. When thinking up good skills to put on a resume, start with a list of general skills for full stack developer jobs.
  2. Include both soft skills and hard skills, just like you’ll talk up both your front end development skills and your back end dev skills.

Can I get a job with a high reputation?

There is no reason why a high reputation (or “score”) on any site will get you a job at all. I have pointed this out before, you are more likely to get a job by maintaining open source projects, writing proficiently, leaving good impressions, and making personal connections within the community.

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Can stack overflow reputation help you get a $100K+ job?

In a post, Joel Spolsky mentioned that 5 digit Stack Overflow reputation can help you to earn a job paying $100k+. How much of that is real? Would anyone like to share their success in getting a h… Stack Exchange Network

Does accepting your own answer increase your reputation?

Accepting your own answer does not increase your reputation. Deleted posts do not affect reputation, for voters, authors or anyone else involved, in most cases. If a user reverses a vote, the corresponding reputation loss or gain will be reversed as well.

What is reputation and how is it calculated?

Reputation is a rough measurement of how much the community trusts you; it is earned by convincing your peers that you know what you’re talking about. The more reputation you earn, the more privileges you gain and the more tools you’ll have access to on the site – at the highest privilege levels,…