
Is it true that photos featuring faces get more likes on Instagram than those that don t?

Is it true that photos featuring faces get more likes on Instagram than those that don t?

Back in 2014 (a generation ago, in social media years), researchers from Georgia Tech looked at 1.1 million photos on Instagram and found that pictures of faces were 38\% more likely to get a like than photos without faces. Face photos also were 32\% more likely to snag a comment, too.

What kind of photos do better on Instagram?

Images that have a background are favored over those with no background or an extremely limited background. Images that have more visual texture perform better than those that are perceived to be more smooth. Images with a single dominant color will have higher engagement than those with multiple dominant colors.

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Why are my likes so low on Instagram?

A low reach could mean that you need to assess your hashtag performance, time of post, and the type of content you shared. These are 3 things that could unveil why your post has received less engagement and why it is being suppressed by Instagram. The higher your reach is, the more impressions you will get.

Why do faces get more likes on Instagram?

And the latest study from Georgia Tech indicates that Instagram images with faces get more likes. According to this study, if you want to increase likes by an average of 38\%, try adding images with faces to your gallery. Images with faces also generate 32\% more comments. So, yes, faces generate more likes on Instagram.

Which is generally the worst time of day to post on Instagram?

The worst time to post on Instagram is observed on Saturdays and Sundays, particularly in the morning and midnight. Overall, people are the least active from 1 am to 5 am. It all comes to your specific audience and when they are most active on the platform.

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Why are my posts doing so bad on Instagram?

A lot of different things can cause your Instagram engagement to drop. Sometimes it’s something you do, like changing the style or quality level of the content you post. It could be something done to you, like mass spam and mass reports leading to a temporary suspension. Over time, engagement rates will drop.

What is the most liked picture on Instagram?

The most liked picture on Instagram is a picture of an egg posted by the world_record_egg account. The photo has now over 50 million likes. The account is owned by an advertising creative named Chris Godfrey. Later on, it was revealed that the post was in collaboration with Hulu to promote a mental health campaign animation.

Why am I not getting the likes I need on Instagram?

There are a lot of different reasons why you might not be earning the likes you need, but they generally boil down to these six causes. 1. Posting the Wrong Subjects 2. Overdoing Hashtags and Mentions

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Is it bad to post multiple pictures on Instagram?

Not only is this kind of behavior considered spammy, but posting multiple times in a row can cause you to get penalized by the Instagram algorithm, meaning your posts will be shown to fewer people! If you absolutely must post multiple photos over a short period, consider combining them into a single post using Instagram slideshow posts!

Is posting too much too often bad for Instagram?

Posting too often isn’t. Some Instagram users like to think that once they’ve posted their photo or video the job is done. Wrong! If you want to build a strong community around your brand, you have to actively respond to comments on your Instagram posts.