
Why do big guys lift light weights?

Why do big guys lift light weights?

Light weights with higher reps with MAXIMUM intensity will help muscle growth better than heavy reps with poor form not allowing for maximum intensity. Light weights with high reps helps build muscular endurance and conditioning as well.

Why can bigger guys lift more?

If someone is 100 pounds overweight, think of what the bones and muscles/tendons of their legs must put up with day in and day out. All that extra poundage forces their legs to become more efficient at handling resistance. Exceptions are the so-called “Walmart fat” people who appear to struggle with basic ambulation.

Why do bodybuilders use small weights?

“It fires up your nervous system and makes the subsequent reps feel significantly lighter.” But a new study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that lifting lighter weights for more reps—3 sets of up to 30 reps—can boost growth as much as lifting heavy weights in the 8-12-rep range.

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Why do powerlifters and strongmen have such large stomachs?

Look at almost every powerlifter or strongman. Their stomachs usually protrude, a lot. This isn’t wholely due to fat. They most likely also have massive abdominal muscles and an extremely strong transverse abdominus due do powerlifting which could artificially distend their stomachs.

Why do strongmen have such a big gut?

If you look at a lot of the guys in strongmen contests, they often like this, because they are focussed on building muscle, not looking good, so they feed their muscles with calories and don’t worry about whether they’re fat or not. It’s possibly an HGH gut, taking HGH causes the internal organs to grow in size!

Do large abdominal muscles make your torso look bigger?

Large abdominal muscles, especially the abdominis rectus, make a person’s torso bigger. You see this in people who squat, deadlift, and overhead press very heavy like weightlifters, strongmen and powerlifters Bodybuilders try to avoid this look as it doesn’t look as aesthetically pleasing.