How accurate are the CAT percentile predictor Quora?

How accurate are the CAT percentile predictor Quora?

It is almost 70 to 80\% accurate in my opinion. I have used it and it predicted around 91 odd percentile in my case in CAT 2015. I ended up getting a 95.4 percentile.

How accurate is time percentile predictor Quora?

It is very accurate if 98 isn’t very different from 99. In the real world of the cat where 0.01\%ile makes a lot of difference, I would say the predictor ISN’T accurate AT ALL.

What is the cat 2021 percentile predictor tool?

The predictor tool predicts the CAT percentile using the expected section and overall CAT score. With the help of the CAT 2021 percentile predictor tool, the test takers can use this platform not only to get an idea of how they performed but also to know their chances of getting a seat in any of the IIMs.

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How long does it take to get percentile predictor from Cat results?

The CAT results for 2019 came out today, and I can answer this question accurately, with painful experience. T.I.M.E.’s percentile predictor goes online within 1–2 days of IIMs releasing the CAT response sheet. The response sheet is enough to get a candidate’s raw net score in each of the sections, and the net score overall.

What is Shiksha’s cat percentile predictor?

This CAT percentile predictor uses the actual percentile & exam score data of more than 35000 students who took CAT in 2019, to predict your percentile for year 2020. By using Shiksha’s CAT Percentile Predictor you can get a good idea of your chances at the IIMs based on the analysis of your expected score in CAT 2020 exam.

What is the cat percentile and when is it declared?

The exam is held in the last week of November and the results are declared in January. CAT percentile serves as the first step to getting shortlisted by management colleges. Naturally, the aspirants are curious to know whether their performance meets the expected criteria of their dream colleges.