
What is the qualifying marks for UPSC Prelims Paper 2?

What is the qualifying marks for UPSC Prelims Paper 2?

What are the qualifying marks for the UPSC CSAT paper? You have to score a minimum of 66 marks or 33\% to qualify for the CSAT paper.

What rank is needed for IFS?

Final rank Allocated for IAS, IPS, and IFS in 2016 (UPSC Rank Wise Post – 2016)

Services Last Rank
IFS 740
IPS 793
IRS (IT) 969
IRS (C&CE) 970

What is the total marks of the Mains examination?

1 The total marks of the Mains Examination are 1750 marks. 2 Candidates will be graded on the basis of opinion, Content flow, understanding the problems/ situation, offering feasible solutions/strategies, presentation, and language 3 Candidates can choose two optional papers on which they will be questioned.

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What is the maximum marks for the UPSC Mains Exam?

The maximum marks for the UPSC Mains exam are 1750 (7 papers * 250 marks each). All papers are of three-hour duration. The UPSC Mains pattern for Civil Services Exam 2021 is given below: An IAS aspirant’s marks in UPSC Mains and IAS interview determine his/her final rank in the merit list

How to prepare for UPSC Civil Services (main) exam?

As per UPSC, marks in the Civil Services (Main) exam are not given for superficial answers, so candidates should do answer writing practice. An important part of IAS preparation is practising the UPSC previous year question papers. For reference, IAS aspirants can view the UPSC Mains papers for General Studies for the exam year 2018 below:

What are the documents required to attend the interview?

While attending the interview, candidates should carry with them the following certificates in Matriculation certificate: for proof of name and DOB. Also, carry a self-attested photocopy of the same. Degree certificate: for proof of educational qualification.