
What was Miltiades plan to defeat the Persians at the battle of Marathon?

What was Miltiades plan to defeat the Persians at the battle of Marathon?

To meet the larger invading force, the Athenian army commander Miltiades thinned out his army’s center and reinforced the wings, hoping that his hoplites—heavily armed foot soldiers—could hold the middle while his flanks broke through the lighter-clad Persian infantry.

How did Miltiades convince the Athenians to attack the Persians?

The deciding vote was cast by the polemarchos (supreme military commander) Callimachus, whom Miltiades was able to persuade to immediate action. Charging a mile across the Marathon plain, Miltiades’ forces engaged the Persian infantry, killing some 6,400 men (and capturing 7 ships) at a cost of 192 Athenian dead.

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What was Miltiades strategy in the battle of Marathon text to speech?

What was Miltiades’ strategy in the Battle of Marathon? He attacked the Persians from three different sides. What plan did the Athenians and Spartans think up in the Battle of Thermopylae? The Athenians would stop the Persians’ navy and the Spartans would stop their army.

How did Miltiades Battle plan work?

Miltiades, the Athenian general, ordered a general attack against the Persian forces, composed primarily of missile troops. He reinforced his flanks, luring the Persians’ best fighters into his center. The inward wheeling flanks enveloped the Persians, routing them.

What did Miltiades do in the Persian War?

Miltiades is often credited with devising the tactics that defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. Miltiades was elected to serve as one of the ten generals (strategoi) for 490 BC.

What did Miltiades do?

Miltiades (ca. 549-488 B.C.) was a brilliant Athenian military strategist and statesman who successfully brought about Athenian victory over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon.

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Who defeated the Persian army?

Alexander the Great
One of history’s first true super powers, the Persian Empire stretched from the borders of India down through Egypt and up to the northern borders of Greece. But Persia’s rule as a dominant empire would finally be brought to an end by a brilliant military and political strategist, Alexander the Great.

What Greek leader conquered the Persian Empire?

Persian conquest In 334 B.C., Alexander set out to conquer the Persian Empire, which had waned in power but remained a behemoth. Alexander’s army numbered fewer than 40,000 men, mostly Macedonian and fiercely loyal.

How did the Battle of Marathon prove the superiority of Greece?

The battle proved the superiority of the Greek long spear, sword, and armour over the Persians’ weapons. According to legend, an Athenian messenger was sent from Marathon to Athens, a distance of about 25 miles (40 km), and there he announced the Persian defeat before dying of exhaustion.

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How did Miltiades win the Battle of Marathon?

Battle of Marathon. With the Persians closing in on the Greek capitol, Athenian general Miltiades assumed command of the hastily assembled army. Miltiades employed a successful strategy in which he weakened the center of his force to strengthen its wings, causing confusion among the Persians. The victory of “the Marathon men” captured…

Why did Miltiades decide to attack the Persian army?

The Greeks could not hope to face the Persians’ cavalry contingent on the open plain, but before dawn one day the Greeks learned that the cavalry was temporarily absent from the Persian camp, whereupon Miltiades ordered a general attack upon the Persian infantry.

What are the different types of Persian tactics?

Persian tactics primarily had four stages involving archers, infantry and cavalry. The archers, which wielded longbows, would fire waves of arrows before the battle, attempting to cut the enemy numbers down prior battle.