How was your night answer?

How was your night answer?

15 Accurate Responses To The Annoying ‘How Was Your Night? ‘ Question That Nigerians Ask

  1. “Why?!
  2. “Terrible, I had a nightmare that you would ask me this question.”
  3. “I don’t know.
  4. “Quite nice.
  5. “I closed my eyes, opened them and it was over!”
  6. 6. “

How was your night What does it mean?

“How was your night?” (in my opinion) is for someone who was on duty, working the night shift, making no pretense of sleeping like ordinary people, or else it’s for someone who has been ill or suffering insomnia and repeatedly getting no sleep at night.

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How do you ask someone how was their night?

Yes, you could ask “How was your night” in the morning. This implies how did they sleep. Maybe there was some noise outside, or the weather was bad, and you want to know if they had a good sleep. If you ask “How was your evening”, this refers to how well they spent the evening before….

Did you sleep well reply?

“Hope you slept well,” is a prompt to be cheery. Your reply, if you are not a person who wakes up grouchy is to have a sunny smile and reply, “Yes, thank you, I did!” After this the morning should go well since we have established our mood.

How was your day answer?

Think about how you reply when someone asks you “how was your day?”. More often than not, you probably respond with a “fine” or “not bad” or even a “can’t complain”. It’s similar to questions like “How are you?”, “How’s things?” or “Wassup?”.

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How was your day ways to ask?

35 Ways to Ask “How Was Your Day?”

  • What is something you did today that you’d love to do every day?
  • What do you know today that you didn’t know yesterday?
  • Tell me something that made you laugh.
  • Did anything make you feel frustrated?
  • What was the best thing that happened?
  • Did you find out anything interesting?

Is it OK to ask how was Your Night?

Well, asking ‘ how was your night? ‘ suggests you want to know what the subject was up to, sexually, the previous night. The contention now is how to get around exchanging pleasantries without asking the dreaded question.

What does day and night mean on a 7 Day Meter?

Economy 7 (Day/Night) Meters have two rows of numbers to separately record the electricity you use during both day and night. These rows may be labelled as Day and Night, 1/I (Night) and 2/II (Day) or Low (Night) and Normal (Day). To read your meter: Ignore any numbers after the decimal point or in red.

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What does R1 and R2 mean on my Nightsaver?

R1 is your Day reading, and R2 is your Night reading Write down the numbers on the screen from right to left, including any zeros, and ignoring any numbers after the decimal point Note: some Nightsaver customers may also have a ‘R3’ reading, if you have a separately metered storage heater.

What is the day and night row in Excel?

These rows may be labelled as Day and Night, 1/I (Night) and 2/II (Day) or Low (Night) and Normal (Day). Ignore any numbers after the decimal point or in red.