
Is it correct to say much more better?

Is it correct to say much more better?

You were correct to say “much more better” is not correct. It is simply “much better.” I hope you feel much more gooder now that you have assurance from natives?

What is another word for much better?

What is another word for much better?

a lot better in a different class
streets ahead strongly preferable
vastly superior

Can much better be used together?

Yes, “much better” (and, in general, much + comparative) is correct usage. Some examples: Today I’m feeling much better than yesterday. Comparatives adjectives that end with “er” like “Better” can be followed by much, a lot, far, a little, a bit, slightly.

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What is the comparative and superlative of ill?

Comparative. more ill. Superlative. most ill. Sick, not well.

What is a good word for better?

Better – thesaurus

  • better. adjective. more satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, or of higher quality etc.
  • improved. adjective. better than before.
  • superior. adjective.
  • extraordinary. adjective.
  • surpassing. adjective.
  • an improvement on something. phrase.
  • better still/yet. phrase.
  • preferable. adjective.

Can you say more ill?

Yes indeed. The general rule is this: if you have a one-syllable adjective, it gets -er and -est; if it’s more than two, it gets “more” and “most.” Two-syllable words can go either way. “Ill” only has one syllable, so it properly takes the suffix.

What is the comparative for ill?

◊ The comparative form iller and the superlative form illest are sometimes used for this sense.

Is more badly grammatically correct?

When badly is used like this, its comparative and superlative forms are worse and worst. For this meaning of badly, don’t use the comparative and superlative forms `worse’ and `worst’. Instead you use the forms more badly and most badly. She wanted to see him more badly than ever.

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Is the phrase ‘much better’ grammatically correct?

Yes, the phrase- much better- is grammatically correct. ‘Much’ is used as both an ‘adjective’ and as an ‘adverb’. One can observe it from the context it’s been used in. , Grammar teacher , guide and advisor.

Is “I am feeling much better now” grammatically correct?

Because better is comparative to good. So more good and bestest are wrong (though bestest has crept into our language somehow) Yes it is grammatically correct. You must have often heard and come across this expression, “I am feeling much better now” and so on.

Is it correct to say much better than yesterday?

Yes, “much better” (and, in general, much + comparative) is correct usage. Today I’m feeling much better than yesterday. A snail is much smaller than an elephant. Comparatives adjectives that end with “er” like “Better” can be followed by much, a lot, far, a little, a bit, slightly.

Is grammar more difficult than you think?

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However, this is very far from the truth. The fact of the matter is that for most people grammar is much more complicated and difficult than they remember, and it can have a huge effect on the quality of their writing and how well it is received by the reader.