
Which countries are preceded by the?

Which countries are preceded by the?

The Germans still use it but the English-speaking world has largely stopped using it. There are many other country names that are habitually referred to with “the”, such as Congo, Gambia, Yemen, Lebanon, Sudan, Netherlands, Philippines and Bahamas.

Which countries names start with the?

Countries Whose Official Names Begin With “The”

  • The Bahamas and the Maldives.
  • The Gambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • The United States.
  • The Netherlands.

Which countries use the?

You usually use “the” with countries whose names include words like kingdom, states, or republic such as The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The United States, The United Kingdom, The Republic of China, etc.

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Do we say the with the names of countries?

Geographical Use of the Definite Article (The) With Country Names. Typically, the article the is not used before the names of countries and territories: The is also used with countries whose names include the words states, kingdom, or republic: My sister lives in United States .

Can we use the before Europe?

There is no article before geographical names like Europe, Italy, Tokyo, and Lake Superior. For example, “Spanish is spoken in Spain.” But if you are describing the people of that country, use the definite article.

Are there 197 countries?

Today, there are 197 countries in the world: 193 UN members + 2 UN observers + Taiwan + Kosovo. The United Nations, as the most influential international organization, is often considered the start point for the correct counting the total number. All the 193 UN members are independent countries recognized worldwide.

Where did Russia get its name?

Etymology. The name Russia is derived from Rus’, a medieval state populated primarily by the East Slavs. However, the proper name became more prominent in later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants “Русская земля” (Russkaya zemlya), which can be translated as “Russian land”.

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Are there any countries whose official names begin with the?

Countries Whose Official Names Begin With “The”. The Gambia has formally acknowledge the use of the article “the” in its name. The use of the article “the” as part of a country’s name has led to debate for many years. Governments from several nations have made formal declarations on their correct English names.

Which articles are not included when referring to countries with single names?

No article is included when referring to a country (1) with a single name (except The Gambia) or with merged single-named states Bosnia and Herzegovina. Note that most countries have an official title that includes the kind of state, for example, the republic, the kingdom, the principality, the commonwealth, the union, the confederation, and so on.

Which countries use the word “the” in their name?

Countries like Ukraine have dismissed the use of “the Ukraine” in reference to the country. Others such as The Gambia have formally incorporated the article “the” in their name.

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Does the country’s name include the before title?

When referring to a country whose name is of the pattern Country [Adj] Republic include the before title. This pattern rarely includes other modifiers. The official name does not include the .