Who was greater Ashoka or Akbar and why?

Who was greater Ashoka or Akbar and why?

Ashoka was considered a tyrant by some before his conversion to Buddhism where Akbar lived a somewhat controversial life whilst also being a bridge between Hinduism and Islam. Ashoka and Akbar were both expansionists but with different tactics and ideas. Both were great rulers.

Who is greater Akbar and Ashoka?

Both Ashoka and Akbar, two kings in India are usually titled as The Great. The Great Ashoka ruled from 304 B.C to 232 B.C while The Great Akbar ruled from 1542 A.D to 1605 A.D). Though both the emperors are separated by 1700 years of time difference but still there are many interesting similarities between them: 1.

Why is Ashoka considered the greatest ruler?

Ashoka’s fame is largely due to his pillar and rock edicts, which allowed him to reach a wide audience and left a lasting historical record. He is remembered as a model ruler, controlling a vast and diverse Mauryan empire through peace and respect, with dharma at the centre of his ideology.

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Was Ashoka the greatest ruler?

The greatest ruler known to Indian history is Ashoka The Great. His empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya, who was a grandfather of Ashoka, more than 2300 years ago. Ashoka was greatly supported and lead by the famous man Chanakya, also known by Kautilya.

Why Akbar is named as Akbar the Great?

Since Akbar was only a teenager, Bairam Khan ruled on his behalf until he came of age. Akbar was given the nickname ‘the Great’ because of his many accomplishments, among which, was his record of unbeaten military campaigns that established the Mughal rule in the Indian subcontinent.

Why is Akbar the Greatest?

Akbar was accorded the epithet “the Great” because of his many accomplishments, including his record of unbeaten military campaigns that consolidated Mughal rule in the Indian subcontinent. The basis of this military prowess and authority was Akbar’s skilful structural and organisational calibration of the Mughal army.

What is the difference between Ashoka and Akbar?

King Ashoka ruled in the Ancient times and Emperor Akbar ruled during the medieval period. They were both great rulers of India. Emperor Akbar was a muslim but his favorite courtier Birbal was a hindu. Akbar encouraged the building of temples and mosques alike.

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How were the empires of Asoka and Akbar similar?

Both Emperors tried to start new sect and their own religion like Asohka started “Dhamma ” and Akbar started “Din -i-Ilahi ” , both sects were not new religion but collection of Some common Moral values. Ashoka and Akbar followed the Policy of Religious tolerance towards their Subjects.

Who Ruled India longest?

The Chola dynasty was a Tamil thalassocratic empire of southern India, one of the longest-ruling dynasties in the world’s history. The earliest datable references to the Chola are in inscriptions from the 3rd century BCE left by Ashoka, of the Maurya Empire (Ashoka Major Rock Edict No.13).

Where is pataliputra?

Patna district

Location Patna district, Bihar, India
Region South Asia
Coordinates 25°36′45″N 85°7′42″ECoordinates: 25°36′45″N 85°7′42″E
Altitude 53 m (174 ft)

What are the similarities between Ashoka and Akbar?

1. Ashoka and Akbar both in the initial stages of their reign tried to expand their Empire and Fought many wars. 2. Way to Throne for both was not easy , both faced many hurdles. 3.Ashoka and Akbar both changed themselves after seen the casualties of the War . 4. Both followed the policy of Non-violence in the latter period of their Life.

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What is the meaning of Ashoka?

Ashoka and Akbar both ruled their states very well, according to historical sources both were really powerful and wise rulers, people living in their states were happy and prosperous. Both were given the title of “The Great” and are still appreciated for their policies.

Was Akbar the first Mughal emperor born in India?

Many in India state this can not be so, one Emperor Ashoka was from an Indian dynasty and Emperor Akbar from an invading dynasty of Mongols. This logic, however fails to accommodate the fact that Akbar was the first Mughal Emperor born in India.

Was Akbar a good or bad leader?

He was having good leadership skills and was superb Administrator. Akbar Reign is considered as the GOLDEN ERA in both the MUGHAL as well as in the INDIAN HISTORY. Akbar was greater. Though they both were similar in many manners but many policies of Akbar made all of us to call him AKBAR -THE GREAT.