Tips and tricks

What are the mistakes done by UPSC aspirants?

What are the mistakes done by UPSC aspirants?

Here are some of the common mistakes that UPSC aspirants make during preparation.

  • Not checking the syllabus thoroughly.
  • Not revising.
  • Not taking mock tests.
  • Piling up multiple books.
  • No time management.
  • Choosing irrelevant optional subjects.
  • Reading irrelevant news in the newspaper.
  • Not having a mentor.

Do UPSC aspirants use social media?

Most of the toppers of the UPSC Civil Services Examination held last year had one thing in common. They all stayed away from social media, to avoid “distractions” and stay focused on their preparation. They all stayed away from social media, to avoid “distractions” and stay focused on their preparation.

How to study for UPSC aspirant?

The aspirant who studies in a single place accomplishes his goal in a better manner than a wandering aspirant. As a UPSC aspirant, one should have the following material in their study area in an organized manner. Relevant magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra etc. A study lamp. A computer or laptop. UPSC Aspirant must have permanent study area.

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What if I fail in the first attempt in UPSC exam?

Very few aspirants get through in the first attempt in UPSC Civil services IAS Exam. UPSC Civil Services exam requires patience and persistence. Before the examination, some aspirants may develop a negative sense of what if I fail to succeed in this examination. This is a negative outlook developed because of fear of failure.

How to prepare for UPSC IAS exam without quitting your job?

If the aspirants are interested they can switch to self-study mode like e-learning, tablet program, etc. some aspirants might have to prepare for the UPSC IAS exam without quitting their job. You might have to hunt your passion without quitting your job. Choosing an optional subject is the next challenge in front of a UPSC aspirant.

What is a timetable for the UPSC?

The timetable is an instrument which helps an aspirant to follow a daily routine and help to complete the entire syllabus. Primarily, aspirants should start to prepare for UPSC mains. Before the Prelims exam, they are expected to complete UPSC mains portions as well as their optional subject preparation.