Tips and tricks

How do you use the word satisfied in a sentence?

How do you use the word satisfied in a sentence?

Satisfied sentence example

  1. You are satisfied with her.
  2. Is your fit of curiosity satisfied , or do you have some more questions?
  3. She wasn’t satisfied and waited for more.
  4. Berg was satisfied and happy.
  5. She must have been satisfied , because she nodded shortly and went on.

What does it mean to feel satisfied?

Satisfaction is the act of fulfilling a need, desire, or appetite, or the feeling gained from such fulfillment. Satisfaction means you’ve had enough — in a good way. When you graduate from school or get a good job, you have a feeling of satisfaction.

What things make you feel most pleased and satisfied?

They make their own good fortune.

  • They are good at making decisions.
  • They understand their limits.
  • They have realistic expectations of others.
  • They give more than they get.
  • They prioritize learning.
  • They know how (and when) to let go.
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    Which word in the passage means satisfied?

    a) Satisfaction means “contentment”. when one’s expectations or desires are fulfilled then it is called satisfaction or contentment. b) Cheater is a “Crook”.

    Is it satisfied or satisfy?

    As verbs the difference between satisfy and satisfied is that satisfy is to do enough for; to meet the needs of; to fulfill the wishes or requirements of while satisfied is (satisfy).

    What’s a better word than satisfied?

    pleased, well pleased, happy, content, contented. proud, triumphant. smug, self-satisfied, pleased with oneself, complacent.

    What is the synonym of satisfy?

    Frequently Asked Questions About satisfy Some common synonyms of satisfy are compensate, indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, and repay. While all these words mean “to give money or its equivalent in return for something,” satisfy implies paying a person what is required by law.

    Is there a scale of dissatisfaction in satisfaction questions?

    In satisfaction questions, there is a scale of satisfaction but not an equivalent scale of dissatisfaction. For example: “Very Dissatisfied” to “Very Satisfied” does not seem to fit as well as “Not at all Satisfied” to “Very Satisfied.”

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    What does it mean to be satisfied with your life?

    But being satisfied with your life is something a little different. Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize winner and author of Thinking, Fast and Slow, gave a TED talk where he explained the two pretty well: Happiness is being happy in your life. We experience it immediately and in the moment.

    How do you satisfy the desire for knowledge?

    Make all the customers feel happy and satisfied by serving the meals they want to eat within the given time limit. Thus also the desire for knowledge is not satisfied by the acquisition of wisdom but is stimulated that much more. Our UK visitors left satisfied by their game viewing, albeit with a backdrop of Nairobi’s skyscrapers on the horizon.

    Is protein the secret to feeling satisfied after a meal?

    Still, delegates left Geneva quite satisfied about the steps taken towards the protection of flagship and other species. She’s like so satisfied after screwing up the icecream. Protein also leaves your feeling more satisfied after a meal. With enough leptin, you will feel full and satisfied after a meal.