
What is the Prime Minister equivalent to?

What is the Prime Minister equivalent to?

A prime minister is usually the leader of the government of a country that is a constitutional monarchy (Australia), republic (France) or another system of government. In some systems of government (the United States and Indonesia), the president is both the head of state and the leader of the government.

Who is the PM of all country?


Nation Head of Government Name of Head of Government
Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Jamaica Prime Minister Andrew Holness
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Why do we need prime minister?

The Prime Minister is the leader of Her Majesty’s Government and is ultimately responsible for the policy and decisions of the government. oversees the operation of the Civil Service and government agencies. chooses members of the government.

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Who is the longest prime minister?


No. Name Length of term
Longest continuous term
1 Jawaharlal Nehru 16 years, 286 days
2 Indira Gandhi 11 years, 59 days
3 Manmohan Singh 10 years, 4 days

Who is current president?

The 46th and current president of the United States is Joseph R. Biden, Jr. He was sworn in on January 20, 2021.

Who is the Prime Minister of the United States of America?

View source The Prime Minister of the United States of America is the chief legislative officer of the House of Representatives and de facto head of state of the United States of America. The Current holder of the office is Democrat Barack Obama, having served since January 1st of 2016 and recently being reelected in the election of 2020.

What is your chance of becoming the Prime Minister?

So my chance of becoming the prime minister is one upon 1,000 million. I have my own ideal of what a prime minister should be. There is no harm in expressing my ideas. If fortune ever smiles on me, I can modify my views according to the situation.

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How is the Prime Minister of a country appointed?

The office of Prime Minister was created to handle the cabinet and appoint its members. The PM alone can hire or fire any cabinet member. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President and confirmed by the House of Representatives. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.