Tips and tricks

Would Ned have supported Stannis?

Would Ned have supported Stannis?

Ned Stark was a man of honor. Stannis acknowledges Ned’s support in season two, though denounces Robb’s claim as King in the North in the same way Daenerys does in season seven. If Ned had survived there is no doubt that the Starks would have pledged their support to King Stannis, waging war on the Lannisters together.

What treason did Ned Stark commit?

(6) Ned Stark did actually commit high treason. As we know Ned did plan for Stannis to ascend to the throne which is high treason from Joffrey’s point of view.

Was Stannis a good man?

Stannis is a good person, but he’s not a pleasant person. He’s good in that he desires good ends for society and other people. And atypically, for an inflexible / rigid man, he’s actually more right than wrong. He’s right about the legitimacy of Joffrey, and he’s right about the Wall.

Did Stannis fight in Robert’s Rebellion?

Stannis Baratheon fought for his elder brother Robert during the war. Aerys used his allies in House Tyrell to besiege Stannis at Storm’s End for much of the war. Stannis’s force was rescued from starvation by the smuggler Davos, who brought a ship full of onions and fish into the castle.

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What would have happened if Ned Stark had lived?

If Ned Stark had been alive he surely would’ve followed Stannis to his grave and on top of that their alliance could’ve easily overwhelmed the Lannisters with their sheer individual military expertise (both Stannis and Robb are shown as brilliant battle strategists).

Was Ned Stark a friend of Stannis Baratheon?

That is in evidence when Stannis Baratheon stresses the fact that Ned was no friend of his, even though Ned Stark had supported his claim to the throne after learning about Joffrey’s parentage. “I knew Ned Stark as well. Your father was no friend of mine, but only a fool would doubt his honor or his honesty”

When does Stannis find out he is the king?

Even Stannis only becomes aware of his true status of King in the Season 2 opener, The North Remembers, when Ned’s letter arrives. A few episodes later, in What is Dead May Never Dieand Garden of Bones, Lady Catelyn actually arrives at the camps of both Renly and Stannis to try to negotiate a peace between them.

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Why did Stannis go to Dragonstone when Jon died?

That was the reason Stannis left King’s Landing and went to Dragonstone when Jon Arryn died — he was afraid he would get murdered as well. That was in fact the reason Jon Arryn was murdered, and the reason Ned Stark became Hand of the King.