
Why was wormtail sorted into Gryffindor?

Why was wormtail sorted into Gryffindor?

It’s possible to influence the Sorting Hat with your own wishes and desires. This is the key reason Peter Pettigrew became a Gryffindor. He becomes a Gryffindor. Of course, Pettigrew would ask the Sorting Hat to put him in Gryffindor, the House of heroes and champions, and the Hat would have no reason to refuse.

Why was Peter Pettigrew in Slytherin?

Why would he be in Slytherin? He valued bravery. That’s what gets you into a house, not actually having the trait. Peter wasn’t loyal, but he wasn’t ambitious.

Is Voldemort a coward?

Voldemort dreamed of world domination and believed that he could become the emperor of the wizarding world if he only got the chance, but one of this fatal flaws was that he was just too cowardly and weak to get anyone to follow him that was worth having as a follower.

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How do you get into Gryffindor?


  1. Be brave.
  2. Always use your manners and never act snooty.
  3. Buy or borrow all the books and movies, when released.
  4. Be relaxed and calm most of the time.
  5. Stay clean.
  6. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t.
  7. Remember being a Gryffindor doesn’t mean you have to be the bravest person.

Why was Peter Pettigrew put in Gryffindor?

The Sorting Hat had been leaning towards Slytherin as it had seen ambition and cunning in Harry yet it put him in Gryffindor as it knew Gryffindor was the house of the traits Harry Potter valued. Thus Harry was put into the House his late parents had been in. This is why Peter Pettigrew was put into Gryffindor.

Was Peter Pettigrew chivalrous?

But it clearly was not chivalrous, and he wasn’t brave at heart. Even Voldemort said Peter only returned out of fear. But in Harry’s case it is shown that the hat takes the student’s preferences in to consideration. So perhaps Peter wanted to join Gryffindor strongly enough that that is where it put him?

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Is Peter Pettigrew the most confusing character in Harry Potter?

He showed some courage and daring and recklessness, and yet, he was a coward. He let himself be Voldemort’s slave, he was afraid of anything and everything, he hid as a rat for years because he was afraid… And yet he showed Gryffindor traits. Peter Pettigrew is possibly the most confusing character in Harry Potter.

Why was Pettigrew the most loyal Death Eater Voldemort ever had?

Because they were Slytherins and they had far too much to loose if they were caught looking for Voldemort. Only Pettigrew, a Gryffindor with nothing left to lose, could afford to do that. And considering everything that he subsequently endured, Pettigrew was undoubtedly the most loyal Death Eater Voldemort ever had.