
Why should we take head bath before going to temple?

Why should we take head bath before going to temple?

It holds spiritual vibrations. While we do the procedures properly we are able to harness the energy. It has been our idea since beginning that ,” Cleanliness is Godlineas.” and one must have to be clean before entering to a sacred place .

Can we do pooja after potty?

There is no restriction on using restroom before a temple visit. But please ensure you clean your body parts including legs before entering the temple. The restriction as per norms is only post the temple visit – you aren’t supposed to directly enter the restroom immediately after the temple visit.

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Is it necessary to take bath before Pooja?

Without performing a shower in the morning one is not considered sanctified or pure. Only after taking a bath one is eligible to perform worship of the deities or any sacrificial duty.

Is it necessary to bath before Puja?

Can you do pooja without bathing?

Can pooja be above bathroom?

Placement of puja room above, below or next to toilet or kitchen is not permissible as per Vastu.

What are the precautions to be taken while doing pooja in temple?

Do not visit the Temple with oiled hair. Take a head bath before performing the pooja. Females should perform the pooja before or after eight days of Menstruation.

Why do we have to take a bath before entering home?

The reason why, entering your home or before touching anyone, you are advised to take a bath. As per Chanakya, a couple after getting intimate, become distinctly unfit and impure to be involved in any religious action.

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Why should you take a bath before attending a funeral?

And, at the funeral ground, while the body is being immersed into the Pancha-tatva, the people attending the rites are exposed to the bacteria-spread from the dead. The reason why, entering your home or before touching anyone, you are advised to take a bath.

How to prepare yourself before visiting a Hindu temple?

The first step is to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually before visiting a Hindu temple. Personal hygiene is important and one must take proper bath before visiting temple. Avoid non-vegetarian meals as far as possible. Consuming alcoholic drinks and other intoxicating substances are an absolute NO.