Why is there no smoke in the sun?

Why is there no smoke in the sun?

Oxygen atmosphere is produced by the same photosynthesis. The sun’s heat comes from nuclear fusion which doesn’t make smoke.

Why can’t the sun be a huge ball of fire?

The Sun does not “burn”, like we think of logs in a fire or paper burning. The Sun glows because it is a very big ball of gas, and a process called nuclear fusion is taking place in its core. Hydrogen really doesn’t burn, it fuses, into helium. So no oxygen is required!

Does fire exist on the sun?

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The heat and light spreads out from the centre of the ball of gas toward the edges, and that’s what makes the Sun glow. So there is no normal “flame” in the Sun – at least not like the flames we have in a fire here on Earth – because the energy and light and heat is coming from the nuclear reaction.

What is the huge ball of fire?

This colossal ‘ball of fire’ is by far the largest object of this kind ever identified. The gas ball is about three million light years across, or about five billion times the size of our solar system. It appears from our perspective as a circular X-ray glow with a comet-like tail nearly half the size of the moon.

What is the fuel that keeps the sun burning?

Through nuclear fusion, the sun is constantly using up the hydrogen in its core:Every second, the sun fuses around 620 million metric tons of hydrogen into helium.

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Is the sun hotter than fire?

No. The surface of the sun is approximately 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit while a wood burning fire is about 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is the sun a lava ball?

The sun is a big ball of gas and plasma. Most of the gas — 92\% — is hydrogen. The energy moves outward through the interior layers, into the sun’s atmosphere, and is released into the solar system as heat and light. …

Why doesn’t the sun burn up like smoke?

The sun’s heat comes from nuclear fusion which doesn’t make smoke. Also, the nuclear fusion only happens deep the inside of the sun, the outside is just a thick blanket of molecules – mostly hydrogen. The sun also isn’t transparent. The light we see from the sun is like the light we see from a red hot piece of metal or lava.

Is the Sun a huge ball of a fire?

Fire is a chemical reaction requiring oxygen. Originally Answered: Do you think the sun is a huge ball of a fire and why? The sun is a high mass object containing the simplist atomic structure, hydrogen, which has one proton one neutron and one electron.

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How does the sun burn if there is no oxygen?

If there is no oxygen in space, how does the Sun “burn”? The Sun does not “burn”, like we think of logs in a fire or paper burning. The Sun glows because it is a very big ball of gas, and a process called nuclear fusion is taking place in its core.

Does smoke imply the existence of fire?

Also, the saying is “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire”. So the existence of smoke would imply the existence of a fire, but not vice-versa. If you really want to play loose with terminology, the sun “burns” with nuclear fusion and produces “smoke” in the form of plasma.