
Why does General Grievous before he became a cyborg?

Why does General Grievous before he became a cyborg?

He was first a savage and brutal Kaleesh warlord on his own planet. Then his spaceship crashed and he was critically wounded. Dooku managed to find him in time and made him stronger, turning him into a cyborg. Then Dooku trained Grievous in the ways of lightsaber fighting and the rest is, as they say, history.

Did Grievous choose to become a cyborg?

Grievous was reconstructed as a cyborg and was presented to Dooku as a potential weapon to be used in the upcoming war that the count had planned against the Republic. The general was trained in the art of lightsaber combat by Dooku himself, who was also a Sith Lord.

Why does Grievous not cough in the Clone Wars?

Following the release of the book Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed, a canon cause for Grievous’ breathing issue was explained. According to Geroge Lucas, the cough wasn’t from Mace Windu or an illness. Instead, the cough was due to cybernetic imperfections of the era during his transformation.

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Why is General Grievous always coughing?

Mace Windu Caused General Greivous’ Cough General Grievous engaged Windu in combat when the latter tried to stop his escape. Windu used the power of the force to crush his chest plate, dealing him a massive blow to the midsection. This in turn sparked his cough, which made its way into the theatrical film.

Is General Grievous in the Clone Wars?

The General Grievous presented on screen through Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Clone Wars wasn’t necessarily the same character represented in the novels. His history and origins became even more clouded when Disney purchased Star Wars from Lucasfilm, creating a new cannon with an expanded universe to encompass the rest.

How many Jedi did General Grievous kill?

Grievous’ hate would take the lives of 49 Jedi (including 20 younglings) recorded in Star Wars Legends, with hundreds more unaccounted for. His character was one of power, fear, and dominance. The movie and television General Grievous differs from the Star Wars novel version greatly.

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How did General Grievous get his force sensitivity?

He used a combination of the Sith Heart Stun technique and blood from the frozen body of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to stabilize Grievous until arriving at Geonosis. While some have speculated that Sifo-Dyas’ blood allowed General Grievous to have force sensitive traits, the theory has been rejected by George Lucas and Dave Filoni.

How did Kaa and LII get access to Grievous’s ship?

In the stories of Star Wars Legends, and sometime before the battle of Geonosis, the Dark Jedi twin sisters Kaa and Lii used their trickery to gain access to General Grievous’ starship. Once aboard his ship they stole his collection of Sith lightsabers which he most likely inherited from Darth Tyranus.