
Why do people with autism get overstimulated?

Why do people with autism get overstimulated?

Many children with autism are very sensitive to their environments and it can be hard for them to filter out sensory information that comes in. This sensitivity sometimes leads to overstimulation, which can make your child distressed and sometimes cause a meltdown.

Do autistic people have less muscle?

Low Muscle Tone: About 30 percent of children with autism have moderate to severe loss of muscle tone, which can limit their gross and fine motor skills. Pain: Some people with autism have very high pain thresholds (insensitivity to pain), while others have very low pain thresholds.

What part of the brain does autism spectrum disorder affect?

The cerebellum is one of the key brain regions affected by autism. The researchers found that neurons that lacked the RNF8 protein formed about 50 percent more synapses — the connections that allow neurons to send signals from one to another — than those with the gene. And the extra synapses worked.

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Why are people with autism so scared of differences?

And if there’s one thing experience teaches us, it’s the fact that differences can be scary. Children with autism are taught to avoid “unexpected” responses to others—not because they are in any way harmful, but because the “unexpected” (rocking, flapping, asking the wrong question, repeating the same words, etc.) frightens people. 2 

What are the causes of autism?

The causes of autism are not well understood. In general, people like to feel that they can protect themselves and their children from illness and injury. They use child carseats, buy organic fruit, go to the doctor, and otherwise do everything they can to stay well.

How common is autism spectrum disorder?

As I write this today, the CDC has determined that 1 in a 54 people or 2\% of males has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)! 1 Ever since Bob Wright, former president of NBC, became the grandfather of a child with autism and created Autism Speaks, awareness of and research on the condition has skyrocketed.

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Why are some parents and grandparents afraid of autism?

Some parents and grandparents are frightened by autism because they expect (or experience) negative judgments on their gene pool, their parenting, or their ability to discipline their child. These fears are reasonable: people are judgmental and will make unwarranted assumptions.