Tips and tricks

Why do objects with different masses fall at the same rate?

Why do objects with different masses fall at the same rate?

Free Fall Motion Objects that are said to be undergoing free fall, are not encountering a significant force of air resistance; they are falling under the sole influence of gravity. Under such conditions, all objects will fall with the same rate of acceleration, regardless of their mass.

Why do the two balls have the same free fall acceleration even though they have different masses?

First, they can’t have the same gravitational force because they have different masses (see above). Since both the acceleration AND the gravitational force depend on the mass, the mass cancels. Objects fall with the same acceleration—if and only if the gravitational force is the only force.

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Why do things with different masses hit the ground at the same time?

Gravity is the force that causes things to fall to earth. Gravity causes everything to fall at the same speed. This is why balls that weigh different amounts hit the ground at the same time. Gravity is the force acting in a downwards direction, but air resistance acts in an upwards direction.

Which of the two balls will hit the ground first the ball that is thrown horizontally or the ball that is dropped with the same height with the ball that is thrown horizontally?

As gravity is the only force in both cases, both balls will hit the ground at the same time. When you throw a ball, we are assuming that you are throwing it horizontally. This means you are giving the ball only horizontal velocity. It’s initial vertical velocity is zero, as for the case of simply letting go.

Will the time of flight of two balls of different masses rolled off the same ramp be the same or different?

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Yes, they will accelerate at the same rate, assuming identical mass distributions. But, because the larger ball must travel further to leave the ramp, it will gain more velocity prior to leaving the ramp, and thus fly further.

How can two objects of the same size have different masses?

Answer:Because mass and volume are independent, two objects with the same volume can have different masses. Therefore, the objects can have different densities.

When two balls of different masses are dropped from equal height?

When two balls of different masses are dropped from equal height, they reach the ground at the same time. Can anyone explain this in terms of physics? Newton’s law says that the force F → exercing on an object produces an acceleration a → such as : where m i is the inertial mass of the object.

Why two object with different mass hit the ground at once?

Originally Answered: why two object with different mass hit the ground at the same time when droppes from the same height? This is because the Earth’s acceleration due to gravity (g) has a constant value irrespective of the mass of the bodies. Now, suppose we have 2 bodies : one of mass 1Kg and the other of mass 10 Kg.

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Why do balls hit the ground at the same time?

After the ball is released, the only forces acting on it are gravity and wind resistance. If we ignore wind resistance, then it’s just gravity. The acceleration due to gravity is the same, the initial vertical velocity is the same (the problem probably assumes this is zero, and the height is the same, therefore they hit the ground at the same time.

What happens when you throw a ball vertically or horizontally?

The simple explanation: if you throw a ball at a low angle, it travels quickly in the horizontal direction, but for a short time. If you throw it more vertically, it has little horizontal velocity but spends much longer in the air. Either of those two can get you to the same distance.