
Why do INFJs like being alone?

Why do INFJs like being alone?

INFJs want to feel like they are understood, but they will struggle with this throughout their lives. This isn’t because they want to be different, INFJs just don’t process or see the world like most people do. The INFJ is the rarest personality type, and this rarity is exactly what causes them to feel so lonely.

Do INFJs like being alone?

INFJs often experience a unique kind of loneliness, because we want deep connections with others but we also need plenty of alone time.

Can INFJs live alone?

Most INFJs actually enjoy living on their own, especially if they can handle this financially. As long as they aren’t overwhelmed with financial stress, the INFJ will enjoy having this freedom. Being able to spend plenty of time doing what they enjoy is a great thing for INFJs.

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Do INFJs get Lonely easily?

It’s important that you get plenty of time alone to recharge. Just make sure you also balance that out with occasional time with friends and loved ones. INFJs who spend too much time alone and ignore the auxiliary function can get stuck in a Ni-Ti loop and that can lead to more loneliness.

What happens when an INFJ stops socializing?

After too much time spent socializing, INFJs may suddenly decide to retreat from the social realm for an indefinite time. They may ignore phone calls, texts, emails, or any effort at communication. INFJ blogger Marissa Baker writes about this well in her article The Vanishing INFJ.

How do INFJs react to sadness?

INFJs interact with the outside world using Extraverted Feeling (Fe). This means that they are remarkably attuned to the emotions and moods of others. They “absorb” the feelings of the people around them. If they are with people who are sad, they will feel sad.

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What are INFJ’s personality traits?

INFJ have a wide range of understanding of other personality types and their perceptions of the world. They sympathize with others readily, even taking on in many cases, the others viewpoint. At least while they’re talking to the person, they take on the other persons personality to a large degree.